LinkedIn Direct, I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn. - kalyani panigrahi kalyani panigrahi Junior Librarian at ASBM Brahmapur Area, India | Confirm that you know kalyani © 2010, LinkedIn Corporation
| | Bhimsen Joshi ... loved by millions this legendary musician from karnataka left for heavenly above yesterday ..... i was fortunate to listen to him some times during my college days at Karnataka College Dharwad between 1976 to 1980. He had such a passion and madness for music that he ran away from his hom at the age of 12 .... His passion was realised by his father later and he was sent for training at Sawai Gandharva ... Have you heard of any one running away from home for becoming a librarian ....? ... may be it would have happened some where some times. Librarianship is a noble profession
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Librarians, look into the eyes of some one who has arrived……. ; January 24, 2011 "Live with people who are blissful, so that you can have a little whiff, a taste. You will have to live in satsang. You will have to look into the eyes of some one who has arrived. So that you can have a little taste – little sweetness enters into your being, and you can see. A great longing arises in you seeing that life is not all misery – that nirvana is possible". – Osho (The Company, Sacred Space, Times of India, January 24, 2011) The librarians had arrived, are arriving and are going to arrive. Yes we need to look into the eyes of those librarians who have arrived, past or present. The company of these great souls, great librarians creates in us a longing in us seeing that life is not all misery – that nirvana is possible.(Inspiration : Osho). Librarianship is a noble profession
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Snippets from ASBM National Management Seminar (BISFM): Money Talks : January 22, 2011 1. Dr.Biswajit Pattanayak (founder Director : ASBM), "Business plan should be strong and substantial" 2. Prof.Ashish Bhattacharya (Director IMI – Kolkata) , "Money talks if we want it to talk. Knowledge capital makes money talk. We need to manage greed" 3. Amitabh Guha (Chairman South Indian Bank), "Unless we manage ourselves we will not be able to manage organizations / institutions. Commercial banks should either improve or perish. Money has to talk and it has to act." 4. Soumya Ranjan Pattanayak (Editor – Sambad), "Money making was not honoured in India some time back. It was not a respectable job. It is neither critical nor a crime to make money. If really want to learn about management, we have to learn from ones mother." Librarianship is a noble profession
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| | Science and spiritual foundations January 22, 2011 ; Saturday "Science must work out its own spiritual foundations, yes, by going deeper into cosmic principles which underlie its existence, yes by reading the laws of the universe with a new depth and imagination. Science must base itself on cosmic and not empirical foundations alone, for empirical foundations are so flimsy. … Science must have humility to learn from the tradition of spiritual truths". – Henryk Skolimowski (Times are Changing, Speaking Tree, Times of India, January 22, 2011). Librarianship is a noble profession
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Golden words of Lane Wagger (Source : Speaking Tree, Times of India, January 19, 2011): January 19, 2011; Wednesday - The mind is capable of the same settling (like a wave in the ocean) down, or transcending process. Waves of thought retire to the source of thought.
- The agitated, limited value of thought gains the unlimited status of being the silent depth of the ocean of consciousness.
- The mind is like a body of water : choppy on the surface, silent and stable at its depth. When we experience only the noisy surface level of thinking, difficulties abound.
- The growth of inner silence is the basis of spiritual unfolding and material success.
- Consciousness is the prime mover of life.
- Knowledge is different in different states of consciousness.
- If you are anchored to the silent blissful state of consciousness, everything you do becomes joyful.
- According to Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, handle that one thing – consciousness – by which every thing else is handled.
"Just like any other individuals in society, we the librarians do fee insecure , un happy, stressful and anxiety ridden often at times. We are skeptical and worried over the illogical behaviour of our bosses and co-workers and subordinates. We feel proud of some of our colleagues for their good deeds, feel sorry for the irrational behaviour of some others. All is well …. when we work from the core of our consciousness. All is well when we work from the source of our thoughts…that is consciousness. We are heading steadfast to emerge as the much awaited and coveted title of a 'knowledge professional'. Wagger says, "Knowledge is different in different states of consciousness". Being Knowledge professional in this context is to be operating from the source of our thoughts, to be operating from the silent blissful consciousness level. The day is not far when we slide and glide towards being recognized as a full-fledged librarian, a librarian who would be sought after by every one who has to do some thing to do with knowledge. Cheers". –
Keywords : Librarian, Librarianship,knowledge,consciousness,thoughts, Lane Wagger,Speaking Tree,Times of India, silence, Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, success, consciousness,
Librarianship is a noble profession
January 18, 2011 Yes! Knowledge personified real self. Yes many of us live a live of burden surrounded by fear, greed and ego. May be this is because we feel all the time insecure due to our focus on our external / outward accomplishments and image and doership. As Asaramji (Speaking Tree, TOI Jan 18, 2011) advocates we need to free ourselves by opening up our internal eye. It is time now time to work towards comprehending our witness absolute, eternal, pure knowledge personified real self free from all bondage as Swamiji says. True knowledge comprehended by internal eye liberates us, purifies us and nurtures us endlessly. The modern so called tech savvy anxiety ridden man needs to read such thought provoking heart soothing reads on a regular basis to arrive at larger than life purpose.
Rajashekhar Devarai (Chief Librarian, Asian School of Business Management, Bhubaneswar ;
Vinita asks a question, "Why cant we stop "I"ing to the outer world and start "eyeing" our inner selves? As Librarians how do we answer this question? January 17, 2011; Monday What is this going beyond after all? Is it about being contended, being selfless, being egoless being broad minded, being inclusive, being tolerant, being happy for what we are and being proud about being amongst the commoners and the greats simultaneously? The answer to this question puts librarians and the librarianship in perspective. The answer to this question has potential to position librarian and librarianship to the centre place of social fabric. We can graduate to the indispensable value systems of social life making way for much awaited and coveted title of being a full fledged profession. to put it in understandable terms an occupation moves from being a work and job to being a profession and a calling. When the he, she, it, they, are put in focus, the I and me concerns get more boost and more calling from every where. What this means to a Librarian? - Being a Librarian let us be what we are and what we stand for. We are and will be more comfortable if we are comfortable with what we are as a librarian.
- We don't need status comparable to that either of a teacher, scientist or manager or leader or a scholar. We have to emerge your self as a true librarian. lot remains to be done to be a librarian, to be a true librarian. We can never go further, grow further if we are moved by the glamour of fascinating titles like, a manager, leader or a teacher.
- Status does not come with fancy titles, it comes and builds upon our intrinsic potentials and credentials.
- User first, members first, patrons first : Our stability and status are closely interlinked to our action and activities and services. We should make our space and get into doing what others are not into doing. That makes us indispensable. When we go further and further in this regard we be come indispensable and we become eligible for what we really deserve from people around and society at large.
- Yes, we have to speak the language of he, she, they and you. Let us place the reader, user, member, patron in the centre place and we will be on the right track.
- There is nothing less in what we are and what we stand for. We are already at the centre of social fabric. It is time to realize and introspect. We had arrived at this centre space long long before. It is now, again to re assert and go as closer to this reality as possible. It is possible. It is possible, because we are already what we wanted to be?
- It is time we really stand for what we are ….. this ideal is no less an ideal. Let society give / bestow upon us what it rightfully thinks as right and due and true.
We are librarians, we are professionals, nothing more nothing less. So what if we still continue to emerge into the best of what we are! Keywords : Librarian, librarianship, I, Iing, eyeing, beyond I, worth, O-zone, Vinita Dawra Nangia, competition,, status, prestige, profession, professionalism, Rajashekhar Devarai, Sociology, LbnRaj, Times of India, Times Life. (Inspiration : Let us go beyond 'I' / Vinita Dawra Nangia.-Times of India, January 16, 2011). Librarianship is a noble profession
Vinita asks a question, "Why cant we stop "I"ing to the outer world and start "eyeing" our inner selves? As Librarians how do we answer this question? January 17, 2011; Monday
What is this going beyond after all? Is it about being contended, being selfless, being egoless being broad minded, being inclusive, being tolerant, being happy for what we are and being proud about being amongst the commoners and the greats simultaneously?
The answer to this question puts librarians and the librarianship in perspective. The answer to this question has potential to position librarian and librarianship to the centre place of social fabric. We can graduate to the indispensable value systems of social life making way for much awaited and coveted title of being a full fledged profession.
To put it in understandable terms an occupation moves from being a work and job to being a profession and a calling. When the he, she, it, they, are put in focus, the I and me concerns get more boost and more calling from every where.
What this means to a Librarian? - Being a Librarian let us be what we are and what we stand for. We are and will be more comfortable if we are comfortable with what we are as a librarian
- We don't need status comparable to that either of a teacher, scientist or manager or leader or a scholar. We have to emerge your self as a true librarian. lot remains to be done to be a librarian, to be a true librarian. We can never go further, grow further if we are moved by the glamour of fascinating titles like, a manager, leader or a teacher.
- Status does not come with fancy titles, it comes and builds upon our intrinsic potentials and credentials.
- User first, members first, patrons first : Our stability and status are closely interlinked to our action and activities and services. We should make our space and get into doing what others are not into doing. That makes us indispensable. When we go further and further in this regard we be come indispensable and we become eligible for what we really deserve from people around and society at large.
- Yes, we have to speak the language of he, she, they and you. Let us place the reader, user, member, patron in the centre place and we will be on the right track.
- There is nothing less in what we are and what we stand for. We are already at the centre of social fabric. It is time to realize and introspect. We had arrived at this centre space long long before. It is now, again to re assert and go as closer to this reality as possible. It is possible. It is possible, because we are already what we wanted to be?
- It is time we really stand for what we are ….. this ideal is no less an ideal. Let society give / bestow upon us what it rightfully thinks as right and due and true.
We are librarians, we are professionals, nothing more nothing less. So what if we still continue to emerge into the best of what we are!
Keywords : Librarian, librarianship, I, Iing, eyeing, beyond I, worth, O-zone, Vinita Dawra Nangia, competition,, status, prestige, profession, professionalism, Rajashekhar Devarai, Sociology, LbnRaj, Times of India, Times Life.
LbnRaj, ; (Inspiration : Let us go beyond 'I' / Vinita Dawra Nangia.-Times of India, January 16, 2011). Librarianship is a noble profession
| Librarians and relationships, love and mind dynamics January 15, 2011, Saturday
"Very often, involvement with a dear one or concern for that person prompts interference or meddlesome behaviour. This is concern at times becomes counterproductive as it can stifle and even extinguish the spirit of exuberance. … Having a magnanimous mindset that releases, rather than holds captive is what true relationships are all about. If you love someone, set him free. ….. An important aspect of nurturing involves the ability to let go. ……. The most genuine of relations are the ones that never need constant reaffirmation. They are ones that transcend dependence, and never beg reciprocity" (Deepak M Ranade, Speaking Tree, Times of India, January 15, 2011, Saturday).
As librarians what do we understand from this for our professional practice and conduct? · We love and respect our bosses but conditionally. What is needed is that love and respect should be based on selfless intent. We all love and respect our co-workers and subordinates …. But that should be selfless and without asking for rewards. We should love and respect and assist our patrons and members with without asking for rewards, recognition and what not. Our concern should be un conditional. · If We assume that we are magnanimous as librarians we must without our rules and guideless set the patron / user member free. Then the true professional relationship blossoms unbound. · Keywords:Librarian,Professional relationships,selflessness,love,respect,freedom. LbnRaj, , |
Librarianship is a noble profession
 | | Librarians and relationships, love and mind dynamics January 15, 2011, Saturday "Very often, involvement with a dear one or concern for that person prompts interference or meddlesome behaviour. This is concern at times becomes counterproductive as it can stifle and even extinguish the spirit of exuberance. … Having a magnanimous mindset that releases, rather than holds captive is what true relationships are all about. If you love someone, set him free. ….. An important aspect of nurturing involves the ability to let go. ……. The most genuine of relations are the ones that never need constant reaffirmation. They are ones that transcend dependence, and never beg reciprocity" (Deepak M Ranade, Speaking Tree, Times of India, January 15, 2011, Saturday). As librarians what do we understand from this for our professional practice and conduct? · We love and respect our bosses but conditionally. What is needed is that love and respect should be based on selfless intent. We all love and respect our co-workers and subordinates …. But that should be selfless and without asking for rewards. We should love and respect and assist our patrons and members with without asking for rewards, recognition and what not. Our concern should be un conditional. · If We assume that we are magnanimous as librarians we must without our rules and guideless set the patron / user member free. Then the true professional relationship blossoms unbound. · Keywords:Librarian,Professional relationships,selflessness,love,respect,freedom. Inspiration : Deepak M.Ranade, Speaking Tree, Times of India, January 15, 2011. LbnRaj, , Librarianship is a noble profession
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 | | Librarians and relationships, love and mind dynamics January 15, 2011, Saturday "Very often, involvement with a dear one or concern for that person prompts interference or meddlesome behaviour. This is concern at times becomes counterproductive as it can stifle and even extinguish the spirit of exuberance. … Having a magnanimous mindset that releases, rather than holds captive is what true relationships are all about. If you love someone, set him free. ….. An important aspect of nurturing involves the ability to let go. ……. The most genuine of relations are the ones that never need constant reaffirmation. They are ones that transcend dependence, and never beg reciprocity" (Deepak M Ranade, Speaking Tree, Times of India, January 15, 2011, Saturday). As librarians what do we understand from this for our professional practice and conduct? · We love and respect our bosses but conditionally. What is needed is that love and respect should be based on selfless intent. We all love and respect our co-workers and subordinates …. But that should be selfless and without asking for rewards. We should love and respect and assist our patrons and members with without asking for rewards, recognition and what not. Our concern should be un conditional. · If We assume that we are magnanimous as librarians we must without our rules and guideless set the patron / user member free. Then the true professional relationship blossoms unbound. · Keywords:Librarian,Professional relationships,selflessness,love,respect,freedom. Inspiration : Deepak M.Ranade, Speaking Tree, Times of India, January 15, 2011. LbnRaj, , Librarianship is a noble profession
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| Librarians, let us respect and love our neighbours …. every one's love gets poured on us. January 14, 2011 You love and respect others … you will get them in turn, you help others …. You will get it in turn ….. you console others …. Others in turn console when you need it the most. Don't hate any one …. Nobody hates you …. Don't grudge on any one no one grudges on you. Even if you don't get what you do in return don't bother because it is not your problem …. Be contended for your positive actions. They will acknowledge and return the positive actions / response when they realize ….when they find the time ripe….your actions of good will may or may not be returned directly to you ….. your good will may be poured as acknowledgement on some one else. You help and honour some one …. The other person helps and honours some one else ….. and the nature brings it back to you in some way or the other. Be good be yourself with your words and actions….you will in the long run will be happy invariably. LbnRaj, (Insiration : Why love your neighbour/Oswald Pereira, The Speaking Tree, Times of India, Jan 14, 2011, Friday). Librarianship is a noble profession
| | | Librarian in search of thought that can move him: January 13, 2011 Lisa Hammond (Dream Big) came to rescue : · "Banks will only load you money if you don't need it." · "What often looks like a disaster at first can sometimes turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Bad news can really be good news in the long run." · "When it is your company you get to make and break the rules." Librarianship is a noble profession
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| | | The thoughts that engage LbnRaj today – January 12, 2011, Wednesday
1. "No one else will do it for you. Nobody else can put at the top of your own list . ….. Don't belittle your creativity because it comes easily. Honour your creativity" – Lisa Hammonds in Dream Big 2. "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all" – Helen Keller 3. "The present moment is not heading anywhere, it has no goal or end point …. The now eternal ; it is the only time that renews itself endlessly. In the now we experience two things only : the rush of events, both physical and mental, and the background of consciousness which acts like the screen upon which experience is registered. Experience is passing scenery ; consciousness is silent observer." Swami Vivekananda (New life for Vivekananda / Deepak Chopra, Speaking Tree, Times of India, January 12, 2011) Librarianship is a noble profession
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| | | Golden words of Osho / We create our life
January 11, 2011
(Source : We create Our Life / Osho.-Speaking Tree, Times of India, January 11, 2011. Original Source : The Madman's Guide to Enlightenment, Courtesy Osho International Foundation,
- Every thing is absolutely based on a fundamental ultimate law, nothing ever goes wrong. Yes, sometimes it looks to us as if it has gone wrong, because we were expecting something else.
- People who are loving will always find situations where love blooms. Because this existence goes on giving you that which you project.
- Whatsoever has happened to you, you have been the cause of it.
- For every hurt or happiness always fee3l thankful, because sometimes pain is needed for growth and pleasure is not needed. So whatsoever happens, make it an opportunity to grow.
- Meditate on death.
- Life is a small affair …. Compared to death it is nothing. Death is eternity.
Librarianship is a noble profession
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