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a little about ili : more than 56 ilibloggers address you here !!!!!
India Librarian International - "ili" :::::::::: Indian Librarianship has come of age. "ili" is here to enhance and strengthen the core professional ethics of librarianship as a profession. The principal blogger and team members of this INDIALIBRARIAN-INTL BLOG undertake to live upto the international standards of professional ethics while sharing and disseminating knowledge. Knowledge continues to be power and librarians/knowledge professionals continue to be Knowledge professionals and continue to be associated with scholarship. CHEERS!!!!! TAKE CARE!! WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A PUSH BUTTON PUBLISHER OR AUTHOR? WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A TEAM MEMBER OF THIS INDIA INTERNATIONAL TEAM IN A MISSION TO WRITE AND PUBLISH TO THE WORLD OF LIBRARIANS....FEEL FREE TO COMMUNICATE TO THE PRINCIPAL BLOGGER BY THE EMAIL ADDRESS GIVEN HERE...... GBGV1816 - PRINCIPAL BLOGGER - ILI - lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: YOUR ILI AUTHORS :::::: ARCHANA SIGNH : bhadouria.archanasingh@gmail.com :::: BHARTI JOSHI : bhartijos@gmail.com :::: CORPORATE MANAGER : corporate2000@yahoo.co.in :::: gbgv1816 : lotus5673@yahoo.co.in :::: MONTY : mahantesh.kannur@gmail.com :::: MEENA : meena.sashi@gmail.com :::: GAYATRI : mysoregayathri@gmail.com :::: NAVEENA ACHARYA : naveenaacharya@gmail.com :::: RAJI : raajism@gmail.com :::: SANDEEP THAKARE : sandip.thakare@gmail.com ::::: sugunasri.maddala@gmail.com :::: DhanushRaja.K@gmail.com
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Art is Re-Creation
Sometimes, Art is like a Time Machine! It helps us go back in Time and
relive our nostalgic moments by recreating those scenarios and helps us
visualize ...
165106: هل خلق الله الأشياء وقدَّر فيها خواصها وطبائعها أم إنه تعالى يخلقها
عند الحدث ؟
أخبرنا أستاذ المعهد الشرعي...
New M.E. Thesis Submitted from ECE Student
COMMUNICATION USING MEMS By Ravinder Kumar,Electronics
The global interest in t...
I guess most of you know about IPTV. What does IP stand for? Wrong guess -
it stands for Idiotic and Problematic TV.
I had put IPTV connection - conceptua...
Completion of AGROVOC First Phase
ICRISAT completes phase I of conversion of AGROVOC to a Concept Server.Over
the past one year ICRISAT has been working in association with FAO to
revise an...
Gentle warning to Web2.0 enthusiasts
Cloud computing is a trap, warns GNU founder Richard Stallman
Web-based programs like Google's Gmail will force people to buy into
locked, proprietary syst...
Swecha - an operating system devoted to Telugu
Swecha LiveCD is a Telugu localised operating system that runs entirely
from a CDROM. It does not require any installation on the hard disk.
Common tasks suc...
Installation of OpenBiblio using EasyPHP
OpenBiblio is an easy to use, open source automated library system written
in PHP licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL). It has essential
Date Cake
*This is a recipe for a cake with dates. I made this for a vegetarian
friend who ate the whole cake in one day:).*
Pitted Dates: 15-20
Initial discussions
The first two discussions with Shalini Urs:
*1st Discussion:* Itentify problem: Took with me the following topics -
patent mapping using text mining techniq...
Quick Recipe for your own blog!
*Ingredients required:*
A google account - available from google
One Photograph - bust sized
Your resume - fresh preferred
Publications - *(optional)*
Usually, people ask `children' what they would like to become. But I think even we(librarians) need to ask ourselves what we would like to become? Now! (Question by ili blogger Sugunasri Maddala.