--- On Wed, 1/7/09, Shriram Pandey <ram.mlib@gmail.com> wrote:
See the Web's breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Yahoo! Buzz.
--- On Wed, 1/7/09, Shriram Pandey <ram.mlib@gmail.com> wrote:
DR.GOUDAR SUPER ANNUATES....AND COMMITS TO HIS PROFESSIONAL INVOLEMENT AND SPIRITS HIGH. CONGRATULATIONS DR. KEEP IT UP. best wishes from 1.RAJLIBRARIAN-MUMBAI 2.ili 's team of authors/contributors ________________________________________________________________ ili http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com ________________________________________________________________
LIBRARIAN IS A SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN 20090702gb - Thursday - 1040am - Dear, you know we are running every day .... we stop at certain stops ... then keep running ... on the way we get hurdles .. face them and again start running, walking, sliding ... life goes on. Some times we take over others by our speed .. some times others take over us when we are slow. Some times we miss a bus or train or whatever ... and stop at a stop longer than required .. and you know at every stop we learn some thing .. which we cant realise when we are in running ... interesting know dear ... hope these realisations must have occured to you as well many a times ... We suddenly realise how nice it is to be out of a difficilty, hurdle ... rush caos. Be smiling dear be happy. Keep smiling... be happy ... every small journey we take up every day teaches us some thing. Let us be aware....let us be keen observers. Darling, today morning when me and Vicky were on the way to school and my institute ... it is memorable. Due to some electrical problem at Mulund, it was announced that the trains will not be stopping at Nahur and Kanjurmarg.... Believe me there was utter confusion amongst passengers ... trains were n0t moving at all ... when were approaching Bhandup where we decided to get down. It is next to impossible to get down. There was heavy rush of people to get down....there was a down pour of passsengers where we were to board. Some college boys helped Vicky to get down ... and you know i got stuck ... I mean my bag got stuck between people..... it was hell a lot of a pain to get my bad .... the straps came off and the bag fell down near the door way.... with great difficulty i got down and started running with the running train to fetch my bag.... one of the passengers was very kind and considerate ... he made a little way to catch hold of my bag .... ultimately ... I fetched the bag and sat down at station for a few minutes with Vicky and then proceeded furtther to reach school and institute... Vicky got late to school....I cam to institute at about 10.00am instead of 9............ RajLibrarian 1816gbgv |