Dear Member,Please find attached the invitation for the BOSLA TISS Librarian's Day Celebration Programme at TISS on Saturday 9th August 2008.You must have already received this invitation. This is once again to request you for your active participation and support for BOSLA activities. Kindly give wide circulation for this among all BOSLA members.Look forward to see you,Dr.Muttayya KoganuramathChairman, BOSLADR. MUTTAYYA KOGANURAMATH M.A.; M.L.I.S; M.Sc.I.M (Shefield, UK); Ph.D UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Sir Dorabji Memorial Library, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, P.B. No.8313, Deonar, MUMBAI - 400 088 INDIA Tel: 91-22-25513350 (Direct) 91-22-25563290, Ext.281(O) Mobile: 91-9967570481 Fax: 91-22-2556 2912 Email: muttayya@tiss.edu, koganuramath@rediffmail.com URL: www.tiss.edu ************************************************* TISS-ILA 2008 International Conference on "Knowledge for All: Role of Libraries and Information Centres", 12-15 November, 2008. http://ilaplatinumjubilee.googlepages.com/
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