| | Gift of God January 3, 2010 "Every day we live is a price less gift of God, loaded with possibilities to learn something new, to gain fresh insights into His great truths." – Dale Evans Rogers (Sacred Space, Times of India, January 3, 2011) Well said Rogers, every moment, day, month and year is a priceless gift of God. Every moment has potential and opportunity for us to learn learn new and different things. And all of this leads us towards getting fresh and new understandings of the ultimate truth.. Every child loves its parents … as much as parents love it … I do love my parents … no less no more …. Just being as close to truth as any other universal truth. At times we get so busy …. Or tend to think that we are busy ….or we are busy actually for different reasons …..as we keep prioritizing our goals in life. My mother who is in hospital for her heart surgery …. At Bangalore ….. tells me some times if it is possible for me to meet her. She does not want me to meet her if that was inconvenient … if that puts me to difficulties of any soft. What a mystery of the ultimate truth. My priorities …… are stuffed so much and so much realistically …. and it rarely has priorities of my parents …… the things of my kids are in my priority list … and not of my parents. But my parents priority list is all about me my brothers and sisters…… My be I learnt this from them only. But still …. I strongly think that the way the priorities are worked out needs to be toppled down …. needs to be re worked ……. I wish and strongly believe that hence forth my parents and their requirements …. atleast in terms of emotional bond should figure in list of things to do. Every body loves their parents …. I do love my parents … may be little more than what we do in this regard is desired …. Thank you God for atleast giving me this opportunity to realize this. LibrarianRaj Lotus5673@yahoo.co.in Librarianship is a noble profession
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