----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Rajashekhar Devarai <lotus5673@yahoo.co.in> To: ili-communications to blog ili <lotus56731.indialibrarianintl@blogger.com> Sent: Sat, 5 March, 2011 10:57:36 AM Subject:
"If you avoid the pain, you will miss all pleasures of life.With love you become human; you stand erect on earth.With love you are vertical. …… But then when pain disappears, love also disappears.They exist together.When you are in love, love hurts.It hurts terribly.…….. Don't use words.When something new happens to you, always allow a deep look into it without any language" _ Osho (Speaking Tree, Times of India, 5 March 2011).
Yes when pain is totally taken out, dispensed with love disappears. Joy in love is built upon the pain… and the pain is built upon love. They go together. One cannot exist without the other. Only love and only pain has no purpose and no meaning.