Librarianship is a noble profession.
--- On Tue, 6/1/09, panchanathan NV <> wrote: From: panchanathan NV <> Subject: Re: ["ili" INDIALIBRARIAN-INTL : LIBRARIANS CONTINUE TO BE KNOWLEDGE PROFESSIONAL... To: "Professional Librarian" <> Date: Tuesday, 6 January, 2009, 10:11 AM
Mr Rajasekhar,
I need your help in putting my classification consultancy in your network if u can.
Mudra Library services offer Library services in maintaining libraries.For enquries My E mail Id is
Now more than me my assistants are looking forward to orders.For many librarians the training they get with me and even 3000 Rs what i give is a grat opportunity.I think u will understand.I am mainly attacking classificatin.Whichever library if they have to computerise,they have lot of books they have to classify before they input them.Many librarians will be benefitted if they know that I am giving this jobwork. Do what u can. With kind regards. Mrs Lalitha.
On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 Professional Librarian wrote : > Librarianship is a noble profession. 1816gbgv > >--- On Mon, 5/1/09, mahammad rafi havaragi <> >wrote: > From: mahammad rafi havaragi <> >Subject: [LIS-Forum] Vacancy of "ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN" >To: >Date: Monday, 5 January, 2009, 10:36 AM > >Dear Friends, > >This is to inform you all that NMKRV College for Women >requires "Assistant Librarian" for its Degree college Library > >Consolidated Salary: Rs. 5,000/- per month. > >below 30 years and holding First Class in >B.Lib.I.Sc.or D L I Sc may apply. >Experiance: 1 to 2 years >Apply Within 8 days. >Send your Resume to : or >For more detail, please contact Librarian. > > >Mahammad Rafi. M. H. Librarian. NMKRV College for Women 3rd block >Jayanagar. Bangalore-11 Mobile:- 9740069587 Connect with friends all >over the world. Get Yahoo! India Messenger. >-- >This message has been scanned for viruses and >dangerous content by MailScanner, and is >believed to be clean. _______________________________________________ >LIS-Forum mailing list > >Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now. > >-- >Posted By Professional Librarian to "ili" INDIALIBRARIAN-INTL : >LIBRARIANS CONTINUE TO BE KNOWLEDGE PROFESSIONALS. at 1/05/2009 >03:16:00 AM
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