Dear Madam, Dear Sir
Are you worried about unauthorized eavesdropping/monitoring of your phone calls and SMS messages from your mobile phone, which contains your very sensitive and secret information?
It's very easy for anyone to perform such kind of spying on your communication made by your mobile phone, if you don't have your mobile phone equipped by our unique software
Ultimate CallSMS Encryptor
This software which comply the strictest standards of CIA and NSA for encrypted communication will provide you absolute protection of your communication against all types of eavesdropping/monitoring devices.
This is a perfect communication solution for closed groups like corporate officers, top management, key employees, business partners, family members, etc.
Your communication will be perfectly protected against your competitors, too.
Even one phone call or SMS message can contain information worth of many millions $.
- Please write to for more information
- Distributed by: WEXXMART Inc., DENVER, CO 80202, U.S.A
- Copyright © 2011 WEXXMART Inc. All rights reserved.