Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nature’s way of rewarding

Nature's way of rewarding
The strength of one's efforts lies in one's conviction in self-capacity.  Self-confidence ought to , ideally, surpass one's faith in any other.  , be it a deity or person.  Embarking on anything new involves existing one's comfort zone for this zone becomes bondage.  It raises imaginary fears of failure that stymie the will to rise and go forward. … The paradox of a no-alternative mindset is that it opens up alternatives within us.  We become aware of facets within that we never knew existed. …. Serendipity and help from unexpected quarters are nature's way of rewarding courage and conviction to the traveler who chooses to take the plunge. – Deepak Ranade/Reaching the point of No return.-Speaking Tree.- Times of India, November 2, 2011.
Librarianship is a noble profession