Showing posts with label ARCHANA SINGHS COLUMN - LIBRARY NETWORKS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ARCHANA SINGHS COLUMN - LIBRARY NETWORKS. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Libraries offer more than books........................


Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- .- 1816gbgv

Monday, June 9, 2008

ARCHANA'S COLUMN - Archana Singh Librarian Allahabad joins as author/contributor to IndiaLibrarian


Library networks have been divided into two categories: general network and specialized network. The latter can further be divided into metropolitan network and countrywide network.
General Networks in India
Title: National Information Center Network
Sponsor: Planning Commission, Govt. of India.
Membership: Four national and regional nodes, 32 state and union territory nodes; seventy cities and towns
Services: Bulk file transfer; teleconferencing; full text and bibliographic retrieval services
Application: ICMRNIC Center; MEDLARS in India; Chemical Abstracts database
Title: INDONET data Network
Sponsor: CMC Ltd (1986) = Informatics India Ltd (1989)
Membership: Commercial computer network
Services: Database services such as DIALOG, COMPUSERVE; IP; SHARP
Applications: ACME; file transfer; international gateway
Title: I - NET
Sponsor: Dept. of Telecommunications, Govt. of India
Connectivity: Packet switched public data network covering nine cities
Services: Information exchange through e-mail / FTP; Bibliographic databases
Specialized Networks (Metropolitan Networks)
Title: Calcutta Libraries Network
Sponsor: NISSAT - Govt. of India
Applications: Cataloging; serials control; acquisitions; circulation
Services: CAS; SDI; union catalog; partial database; editing and retrieval of records; global information; search; full-text document delivery; library automation; CALIBNET INFO Services
Title: Bombay Library Network
Sponsor: NISSAT & NCST (1994)
Objective: To promote cooperation among libraries in Bombay
Services: online catalog; online document delivery; IRS; interlibrary loan; dissemination of information
Title: Developing Library Network
Sponsor: NISSAT & NIC (1988)
Objective: To promote resource sharing; develop a network of libraries; collect, store, disseminate information
Members: 165 Institutions, 600 Libraries, 15 States in India, 5 from outside India
Services: resource sharing; free Software; ICE online facility; books database; thesis database; Indian specialists; database
Title: Ahmedabad Library Network
Sponsor: NISSAT, DSIR (1994) & INFLIBNET
Objective: To bring cooperation among its regional libraries; to develop databases; to integrate scientific and technical information systems
Members: nine libraries
Services: library automation; library holdings; database in progress
Title: Mysore Library Network
Sponsor: NISSAT (1994)
Objective: Developing software tools; conducting seminar; workshops/training programs; conduct surveys
Host Site: CFTRI, Mysore
Members: 116 Institutions
Services: MYLIB Database; E-journals; food patents; CFTRI Library Bulletin; public services.
Countrywide Area Network:
Title: Defence Science Information Network
Sponsor: DESIDOC, Delhi
Activity: Focus on scientific, research and defense communities
Title: Educational and Research Network
Sponsor: Dept. of Electronics, Govt. of India; UNESCO (Financial assistance from UNDP)
Members: eight institutions (5 IITs, IISc., National Centre for Software Technology - Bombay, CCI wing of Dept. of Electronics)
Services: Communication services such as e-mail, file transfer, remote log on, database access, bulletin board etc.,
Title: Scientific and Industrial Research Network
Sponsor: CSIR (Commissioned Agency- NCST, Bombay)
Members: 40 labs and R&D Institutions
Applications: scientific communication; leather technology; natural products; food technology; medicinal Plants
Title: VIDYANET (Dedicated Communication Computer Net)
Sponsor: TATA Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay
Objectives: To provide rapid means of communications by linking computers at various institutions in India to similar networks outside the country; to stimulate corporate research, the day-to-day exchange of research information and the execution of joint projects and publications
Services: File transfer facility; sharing of computer resources and access to remote applications, databases, libraries, etc.
Title: BTISNET (Specialized Information Network)
Sponsor: Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India.
Connectivity: 10 Specialized Information Centres in genetic engineering, plant tissue culture; photosynthesis and plant molecular biology; cell transformation ; bio-process engineering.
Services: Data processing using applications software; online communication access; facsimile facility
Title: Information Library Network
Sponsor: UGC (1991)
Connectivity: computer communication network of universities and R&D; libraries and bibliographic information centers throughout the country
Members: 200 Universities; 400 College libraries; 200 R&D libraries
Services: catalog service; database Services; document supply services; e-mail; BBS: audio and video conferencing, etc.
Title: Bangalore Library Network
Sponsor: JRD, Tata Memorial Library (1995)
Members: 100 Libraries
Title: Madras Library Network
Sponsor: INSDOC & NISSAT (1993)
Members: 15 Libraries

Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- .- 1816gbgv