| | Again on Ends and Beginnings …… while dwelling seriously and sincerely on Ends and Beginnings I honestly wish all of you a meaningful, happy, and cheerful 2011. Happy New year 2011 January 1, 2011 New year works as a mark or milestone on our enduring passage/road of our achievements, shortcomings, feelings and sentiments. May be it is a learnt phenomena to count 365 days as one year…….. 60 seconds as one minute and 60 minutes as one hour and 24 hours as one day …and 30 days as one month and 12 months as one year. Whatever …… these counts help us to measure …… assess our contributions on whatever we engaged in the last year. The day of new year is not a day for mourning ………..not a day for repenting…….it is a day for reassuring…….it is a day for cheering…….it is a day for smiling on what that last moment….day…..and month and year it was………..and then to look forward for altogether new next moment, day, month and year ahead. Every moment that has started in the year 2011 is different from the last year. The year 2011 can be replicated once again……and there is no need either. There is a need to underestimate our sufferings and worries … there is a need to over estimate our joys and our achievements and accomplishments. There is nothing wrong……….good or bad we need to and tend to look forward for more happiness………more cheer……..more comforts. We look forward to have more and more delicious……..tastier food………we look forward for seeing beautiful things………..travel around, dance around….and what not………. NOTHING WRONG!...........WHAT IF WE CANT RELISH SWEETS CONTINOUSLY…….DAY IN AND OUT ……… AT EVERY GAP WE WISH TO HAVE SWEETS AND TASTIER FOOD …. THAT IS WHAT WE ARE …. THAT IS WHAT WE ARE BY NATURE…….NOTHING WRONG. You will at times find few individuals………who are so idealistic………..who are so perfect…………who are so joyful…….who are so fantastic……….who are so much interesting……………so much beautiful………..who are so sick of being good…….!!!!!!! It is ok………this does not and should make one think of not being good……….not being happy………not being important…… Yes this is life …. We are destined to think of the better………we are destined to think and desire for good things…….better things ……better opportunities in life……….nothing wrong. THE WORST OF THE WORST INDIVIDUALS AND THE BEST OF THE BEST INDIVIDUALS HAVE THEIR OWN JUSTIFICATION FOR GOOD AND FOR BEING PERFECT. THERE HAS NEVER BEEN ANY ONE BORN JUST TO THINK…JUST TO BE BAD. BEING GOOD IS IN OUR BLOOD……..BEING ACCOUNTABLE….BEING HAPPY IS OUR FUNDAMENTAL NATURE AS HUMAN BEING. BEING BAD IS A LEARNT BEHAVIOUS …. IF AT ALL IT EXISTS. ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IS THE GOOD AND THE FAIR THAT WE DEFINE FOR OURSELVES……HOW FAIR AND GOOD IT IS TO OTHERS. CHEERS……….HAPPY NEW YEAR………WE ARE SOCIAL BEINGS……..WE ARE THINKING ANIMALS……..LET US CONTINUE THIKING………… THE YEARS PASS BY … LIFE GOES ON …. AND LET US BE TRUTH FUL TO EVERY SECOND OF THIS WONDERFUL TIME THAT STARTED AT 01.00AM TODAY …. THAT IS IT …. THIS VERY MOMENT IS NO LESS IMPORTANT…………… TIME HEALS OUR BAD MOMENTS……..TIME HEALS OUR PAINS … LET US MOVE FORWARD…….. LET US BE IN TUNE AND STAY IN TUNE WITH THE COSMIC TRUTHS . WE ARE PART AND PARCEL OF A BIGGER GAME………. LET US PAY AS LONG AS WE ARE IN THE PLAY GROUND… CHEERS!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU!!!! LbnRaj Librarianship is a noble profession
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