Friday, April 8, 2022
My name is Mrs. Teresa Nina, from Norway. I know this message will
come as a surprise to you. Firstly, I am married to Mr. Patrick Nina,
a gold merchant who owns a small gold mine in Austria; He died of
cardiovascular disease in mid-March 2011. During his lifetime, he
deposited 8.5 million euros (eight million five hundred thousand
euros) in a bank in Vienna, Austria. The money on deposit was from the
sale of shares, death compensation, and my late husband's
contributions to his company.
I am sending you this message, I pray that it reaches you in good
health, I am not in good health because I sleep every night not
knowing if I will live to see the next day. I have chronic cancer and
am currently partially suffering from a stroke that makes it almost
impossible for me to move around. I was married to my late husband for
over 4 years before he passed away and unfortunately we don't have a
child, my doctor assured me that I have less chance of life. Having
learned about the state of my health, I decided to apply to you with a
request for a fund, since I have nothing to do with it. I grew up in
an orphanage.
I decided to donate what I have to help motherless/less
privileged/widowed children because I am dying and was diagnosed with
cancer about 2 years ago. Almighty God prompted me to donate to you
what I inherited from my late husband for the best work of Almighty
God. I asked Almighty God to forgive me and believe that he did it,
because he is a merciful God, I will soon have an operation.
That's why I need your help to become my next of kin or as an outlet
for charitable donations. If this money remains unclaimed after my
death, then the bank or government officials will take the money as an
unclaimed fund and can use it for selfish and worthless projects, I
need a very honest person who can claim this money and use it for
charity, orphanages and widows, and to build less prominent schools to
be named after my late husband and my name; I need your urgent reply
to see if you can implement this project. I will give you more
information on how to transfer money to your bank account.
Mrs Teresa Nina
To be healthy.
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Twoo will close on 30 June 2022
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Tuesday, April 5, 2022
アカウントからの緊急通知 案例番号:214466840426
Monday, April 4, 2022
Inquiry for US-Trading Fl
Good day!
We have gone through your product on your website, do you have a
catalog or price list? I believe you are a registered
manufacturer / supplier.
Do you accept 50% TT deposit / 50% LC @ sight .What are your
payment terms?
Kindly send your catalog and price list to us so that we can
check and get back to you with our order details if your price is
competitive with us.
We look forward to your urgent feedback!
Thanks & Regards,
Beena Manosh
Office 112, Bldg. 2, FL Design District FLORIDA
PO Box 30571
T (+1) 418 427 0964
F (+1) 418 335 3543
Monday, March 28, 2022

· パスワードは誰にも教えないでください。
· 個人情報と関係がなく、推測しにくいパスワードを作成してください。大文字と小文字、数字、および記号を必ず使用してください。
· オンラインアカウントごとに、異なるパスワードを使用してください。
KDDI 株式会社
Saturday, March 26, 2022

· パスワードは誰にも教えないでください。
· 個人情報と関係がなく、推測しにくいパスワードを作成してください。大文字と小文字、数字、および記号を必ず使用してください。
· オンラインアカウントごとに、異なるパスワードを使用してください。
KDDI 株式会社
Friday, March 25, 2022

· パスワードは誰にも教えないでください。
· 個人情報と関係がなく、推測しにくいパスワードを作成してください。大文字と小文字、数字、および記号を必ず使用してください。
· オンラインアカウントごとに、異なるパスワードを使用してください。
KDDI 株式会社
Thursday, March 24, 2022
RE: Lotus - COVERINGS 2022
Hi Good Morning,
Did you get a chance to go through my previous email?
Please let me know your thoughts so that I can provide you with further details.
Await your response.
From: Shirley Day
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 4:12 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: Lotus - COVERINGS 2022
Importance: High
Hi Good Evening,
Coverings 2022 – Attendees Leads?
After final approval, excited to announce that we have confirmed record list is Available now.
List Includes: Company Name, Contact Name, Verified E-mail id’s,, URL/Website, Title/Designation.
Can I send you counts and pricing details for your review?
Do not hesitate to contact us if any further clarification is required.
Head of Sales & Marketing.
To opt out reply back “Remove Me”
Lotus - COVERINGS 2022
Hi Good Evening,
Coverings 2022 – Attendees Leads?
After final approval, excited to announce that we have confirmed record list is Available now.
List Includes: Company Name, Contact Name, Verified E-mail id’s,, URL/Website, Title/Designation.
Can I send you counts and pricing details for your review?
Do not hesitate to contact us if any further clarification is required.
Head of Sales & Marketing.
To opt out reply back “Remove Me”
Friday, March 18, 2022
Merhaba Sayın Yetkili;
Firmamız her noktadan demir, bakır, sarı, alüminyum, krom, kağıt, kablo vb. hurdaları satın almaktadır.
Güvenilir bina yıkımı, fabrika yıkımı, çelik yapıların sökümü, çatı sökümü gibi her türlü kırım ve yıkım işleri yapmaktayız.
Kentsel Dönüşüm Projeleri kapsamında yıkımı düşünülen binalardan kapı, pencere, asansör, kalorifer kazanı, yangın merdiveni ve korkuluk gibi malzemelerin sökümünü yapmaktayız
Fabrikalara konteynır kasa bırakıyoruz
Hassas tartıma önem veren firmamız hurdanızın değerini yüksek fiyattan hesaplayarak anında nakit ödemektedir.
Her nevi hurdayı yerinde ve değerinde aldırmak için bizlere ulaşabilirsiniz.
Usta eleman ve araç kadromuzla sizlere en iyi hizmeti sunuyoruz.
Sizlerle çalışmak istiyoruz, ilginiz için şimdiden Teşekkür Ediyoruz
Saygılarımızla / Güneş Metal Hurdacılık
Satınalma Mühendisi
İletişim: 0530 542 6811
Whats app'dan resim atarakta hurdanız hakkında bilgi alabilirsiniz
Friday, March 11, 2022
Effective Lending!
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Get Paid to post an article
We are providing you platform from here you can sell paid posts on your website.
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We have thousands of customers who would like to post their articles on your websites
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Wish you a healthy, peaceful life ahead.
Manager at STALINKS
Monday, March 7, 2022
Shipping Paymenty made
Dear sir,
Please check attached payment made on 3/7/2022 1:04:37 a.m. by your client and kindly confirm
Await your response
Thanks & Best Regards
Sandeep Pattnaik
Senior Vessel Manager
Thome Ship Management Pte Ltd
16 Raffles Quay, #43-01 Hong Leong Building, Singapore 048581 |
Mobile: +65 97584406 | DID: +65 6329 4349 | TEL: +65 6220 7291
E-mail: sandeep.chyau@thome.
(As Owners agents only)
Any negotiation, arrangement or ordering of supply of products, equipment or services to Vessels under our management are handled as agent for and on behalf of the Owner/Charterer/Principal in respect of whom we manage the particular vessels. The Owner/Charterer/Principal shall be liable for any obligations of arising from such supply of products, equipment or services to the Vessels, and we shall not be liable for those obligations in any way. The information contained in this email is strictly confidential and subject to the Confidentiality Notice.
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Dear Sir/Madam,
Our vessel Front Prince (IMO: 9788899) is scheduled for DD in 2022. Vessel is fitted with P-V valves as per attached maker.
Kindly check document for your goods and confirm because of your delivery date
Await your response
Thanks & Best Regards
Sandeep Pattnaik
Senior Vessel Manager
Thome Ship Management Pte Ltd
16 Raffles Quay, #43-01 Hong Leong Building, Singapore 048581 |
Mobile: +65 97584406 | DID: +65 6329 4349 | TEL: +65 6220 7291
E-mail: sandeep.chyau@thome.
(As Owners agents only)
Any negotiation, arrangement or ordering of supply of products, equipment or services to Vessels under our management are handled as agent for and on behalf of the Owner/Charterer/Principal in respect of whom we manage the particular vessels. The Owner/Charterer/Principal shall be liable for any obligations of arising from such supply of products, equipment or services to the Vessels, and we shall not be liable for those obligations in any way. The information contained in this email is strictly confidential and subject to the Confidentiality Notice.
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
RE: información importante para su web
La semana pasada, les envié un email informativo sobre 5 apps que te ayudan a reducir tu huella de carbono. Lo invito a publicarlo en su web ya que así me ayudarían a seguir generando conciencia medio ambiental en las personas, dejando en evidencia que los cambios están a un clic de distancia. Siéntase libre de editarlo según sus necesidades editoriales.
5 apps que te ayudarán a reducir tu huella de carbono
Para nadie es un secreto que el cambio climático está afectando al mundo entero, y la principal causa de ello es el uso de combustibles fósiles para generar energía, electricidad, e incluso para poder transportarnos.
Una de las formas para lograr reducir tu huella de carbono y tu consumo energético, es empezar con acciones pequeñas que ayuden a reducir este impacto. Las pequeñas acciones pueden comenzar, desde escoger, con un comparador de luz, el mejor proveedor de energía sostenible, hasta eliminar correos de tu bandeja de entrada y así reducir tu impacto ambiental.
A continuación, encontrarás los 5 recursos digitales para reducir tu huella de carbono:
Es una herramienta disponible para tu celular, que te permite disminuir tu huella de carbono, con tan solo limpiar tu bandeja de entrada, eliminando correos que no necesitas y que pueden estar ocupando espacio en tu mail, sin ningún sentido. "Un mensaje de correo electrónico genera alrededor de 10 gramos de CO2 al año" (Cleanfox), es por este motivo que al hacer una limpieza de tu correo electrónico, de manera continúa, permitirás reducir tu impacto al medio ambiente.
El comparador de luz es una herramienta online que te permite encontrar la mejor opción para tí, en cuanto a precio, sostenibilidad y servicio en el mercado de energía. Así podrás comparar a los distintos proveedores desde una sola plataforma y te será de mucha utilidad para poder identificar a los proveedores de energías sostenibles y así darte de alta la luz con el que mejor se adapte a tu bolsillo.
Es un motor de búsqueda en internet que tiene como objetivo plantar árboles alrededor del mundo por cada búsqueda hecha en su servidor. ¿Cómo es posible que una búsqueda ayude a plantar un árbol? Pues, es muy simple, una gran cantidad de los ingresos generados por publicidad en Ecosia, son invertidos para este gran propósito.
Si estás buscando una forma de impactar de manera positiva al mundo desde tu celular, Ecosia es una gran opción.
The Planet App
Este aplicativo está disponible para los dispositivos Android e iOS, y se define como una guía de sostenibilidad, tomando en cuenta las áreas de nuestras emisiones tales como, el uso de energía eléctrica, gas, transporte, entre otros. Gracias a esta aplicación podrás conocer tu huella de carbono exacta, tu consumo energético y cómo poder disminuirlo de manera efectiva mediante un plan elaborado por la aplicación, que te permitirá darle seguimiento a estos objetivos durante el día.
Reducir el uso de correos electrónicos con plataformas de mensajería instantánea como Slack, también es una buena opción para reducir tu impacto al medio ambiente, debido a que consumen menos energía dejando de usar el correo electrónico de manera excesiva. Empresas como Uber, Netflix y Papernest utilizan este recurso para la comunicación entre sus empleados y han reducido en 30% aproximadamente la cantidad de correos electrónicos que producen a diario.
Sara Fernandez
Experta en Sostenibilidad y Medio Ambiente
Agencia Servicios de Luz
No olvides proteger la naturaleza. Imprima este correo electrónico sólo si es necesario y recuerde reciclar el papel.