Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Shocking Truth about Dietary Fats and Saturated Fats

You've been deceived into thinking that saturated fats are bad for you, but let's look at some facts below...

I'll preface this article by saying that it will help if you have an open mind and accept that some of these facts are a slap in the face to politically correct nutrition in this day and age where fats are admonished by many doctors, health "experts", and the mass media.

To start, eating an adequate supply of healthy dietary fats is vitally important to your overall health. Fats are one of the main components in all of the cell membranes throughout your entire body. If you eat enough healthy natural fats, your cellular processes will proceed normally.

On the other hand, if you eat man-made, heavily processed, chemically altered fats (damaged fats) that are found in most processed foods, your cellular function will be impaired as these damaged fats become part of your cell membranes, the body will have to work harder to operate correctly, and degenerative diseases can develop.

In addition, healthy dietary fats are necessary for optimal hormone production and balance within the body and are therefore essential for the muscle building and fat burning processes. Other important functions that dietary fats play in a healthy body are aiding vitamin and mineral utilization, enzyme regulation, energy, etc.

I cringe every time I hear so called "health experts" recommend restriction of dietary fat, claiming that a low-fat diet is the key to good health, weight loss, and prevention of degenerative diseases. Restriction of any one macronutrient (protein, carbs, or fat) in your diet works against what your body needs and can only lead to problems.

All three basic macronutrients serve important functions for a lean, healthy, and disease-free body. As Dr. Mary Enig, Ph.D, and one of the leading fats researchers in the world, notes in several of her books and articles, there is very little true scientific evidence supporting the assertion that a high fat diet is bad for us.

For example, if these so called "health experts" that admonish fat are correct, and a low-fat diet is the solution to good health, then why did traditional Pacific Islanders who typically obtained 2/3 to 3/4 of their total daily calories from fat (mostly from coconut fat), remain virtually free from heart disease, obesity, and other modern degenerative diseases (that is, until Western dietary influences invaded)?

Also, why did traditional Eskimo populations, consuming up to 75% of their total caloric intake from fat (mostly from whale blubber, seal fat, organ meats, and cold water fish), display superior health and longevity without heart disease or obesity?

Why did members of the Masai tribe in Africa remain free from degenerative diseases and maintain low body fat percentages on diets consisting of large quantities of raw whole milk, blood, and meat? What about the Samburu tribe of Africa, which eats an average of 5 times the quantity of dietary fat (mostly from raw whole milk and meat) as overweight, disease-ridden Americans, yet Samburu members are lean, healthy, and free of degenerative diseases?

What about traditional Mediterranean diets, which are known to be very high in fat in some cases (sometimes up to 50-70% fat), and are also well known to be very healthy?

These examples of high fat diets and the associated excellent health of traditional populations around the world go on and on, yet it seems that many doctors, nutritionists, and media outlets still ignore these facts and continue to promote a diet that restricts dietary fat intake.

Well, the problem is that the good fats (the natural unprocessed health promoting fats) have gotten mistakenly lumped together in nutritional advice with the deadly processed fats and oils that make up a large percentage of almost all processed food that is sold at your local grocery store, restaurant, deli, fast food joint, etc. These deadly processed fats are literally everywhere and almost impossible to avoid unless you know what to look for and make smart choices in what you feed your body with.

Take note that I'm not recommending following a super high fat diet (although technically this can be more healthy than a high carb diet as long as you choose healthy fats).

However, in most cases, active individuals that exercise on a regular basis certainly also need adequate supplies of healthy carbohydrates for energy and muscle glycogen replenishment as well as good sources of protein for muscle repair. The above examples of the high fat diets of traditional populations and their corresponding excellent health were simply to prove the point that you don't need to be afraid of dietary fats as long as you make healthy natural choices and stay within your daily caloric range to maintain or lose body fat (depending on your goals).

Following is a list of some of the healthiest fatty foods (some will surprise you!) as well as some of the deadliest fatty foods to try to avoid at all costs:

The Healthy Fatty Food Choices:


How To lose belly fat and get six pack abs ( Clic Here For More Information )

Coconut fat: Coconut fat is approximately 92% saturated fat, yet surprisingly to most people, is considered a very healthy natural fat. The health benefits of coconut fat lie in its composition of approximately 65% medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). Specifically, about 50% of coconut fat is a MCT called lauric acid, which has very potent anti-microbial properties helping to enhance the immune system. Also, MCTs are more easily utilized for immediate energy instead of being stored as body fat. Coconut oil is also an excellent cooking oil for stir-frying, etc. since saturated fats are much more stable and do not oxidize like polyunsaturated oils when exposed to heat and light, which creates damaging free radicals. The best sources of healthy coconut fat are organic coconut milk, virgin coconut oil (available at, or fresh coconut.
Extra virgin olive oil: Olive oil is approximately 71% monounsaturated, 16% saturated, and 13% polyunsaturated. Choose "extra virgin" olive oil, which comes from the first pressing of the olives and has higher quantities of antioxidants. Unlike most other oils on supermarket shelves, extra virgin olive oil is not extracted with the use of harmful industrial solvents and is one of your healthiest choices for liquid oils. Try making your own salad dressing by mixing a small amount of olive oil with vinegar. This is healthier than most store bought salad dressings, which are usually made with highly processed and refined (chemically damaged) soybean oil extracted with industrial solvents.
Dark, bittersweet chocolate (>70% cocoa): The cocoa bean is a very concentrated source of antioxidants and responsible for part of the health benefit of dark chocolate. The fat portion of the cocoa bean (cocoa butter) is a healthy natural fat, composed of approximately 59% saturated fat (mostly healthy stearic acid), 38% monounsaturated fat, and 3% polyunsaturated fat. I'll limit the description of healthy chocolate to ONLY dark bittersweet chocolate with >70% cocoa content. Most milk chocolates are only about 30% cocoa, and even most dark chocolates are only about 55% cocoa, leaving the remainder of those products composed of high amounts of sugar, milk fat, corn sweeteners, etc. Look for a quality dark chocolate that lists its cocoa content like Chocolove Extra Dark (77%) or Dagoba New Moon (74%), which contain mostly cocoa and very little sugar. Keep in mind that although dark chocolate can be a healthy treat, it is still calorie dense, so keeping it to just a square or two is a good idea.
Avocados or guacamole: The fat in avocados (depending on where they're grown) is approximately 60% monounsaturated, 25% saturated, and 15% polyunsaturated. Avocados are a very healthy natural food that provides many nutrients, fiber, and healthful fats, while adding a rich flavor to any meal. Try sliced avocado on sandwiches or in salads or use guacamole in wraps, sandwiches, or quesadillas.
High fat fish such as wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring, trout, etc.: Just about any fish or seafood are good sources of natural omega-3 polyunsaturated fats, but the higher fat fish listed above are the best sources of omega-3's. Due to the radical switch to a higher proportion of omega-6 polyunsaturated fats like soybean oil, corn oil, safflower oil, etc. in our food supply during the middle of the 20th century, the average western diet is currently way too high in omega-6's compared to omega-3's, which wreaks havoc in your body. This is where good omega-3 sources like high fat fish, walnuts, and flax seeds can help bring you back to a better ratio of omega-6/omega-3. I also recommend Krill Oil, which has been shown to possibly have even more health benefits than standard fish oil
Nuts (any and all - walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews, macadamias, etc.): Nuts are great sources of healthy unprocessed fats as well as minerals and other trace nutrients. Macadamias, almonds, and cashews are great sources of monounsaturated fats, while walnuts are a good source of unprocessed polyunsaturated fats (including omega-3's). Try to avoid nuts that are cooked in oil. Instead, choose raw or dry roasted nuts.
Seeds (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds): All of these seeds are great sources of natural unprocessed healthy fats. In particular, flax seeds have received a lot of attention lately due to their high omega-3 content. However, keep in mind that omega-3 polyunsaturated fats are highly reactive to heat and light, and prone to oxidation and free radical production. Therefore, freshly ground flax seed is the only way to go. Instead of using the store bought ground flax seed, you can buy whole flax seed and use one of those miniature coffee grinders to grind your own flax seed. Try grinding fresh flax seed into your yogurt, cereal, or even your salad. If you're using a flax oil, make sure it's a cold-pressed oil in a light-proof refrigerated container, and use it up within a few weeks to prevent it from going rancid. NEVER cook with flax oil!
The fat in organically raised, free-range animals: This is where most people have been misinformed by the mass media. Animal fat is inherently good for us, that is, if it came from a healthy animal. Human beings have thrived on animal fats for thousands of years. The problem is, most mass produced animal products today do not come from healthy animals. They come from animals given loads of antibiotics and fattened up with hormones and fed un-natural feed. The solution is to choose organically raised, free-range meats, eggs, and dairy. At this time, the price is still a little higher, but as demand grows, the prices will come down. I've found an incredible website that actually offers free-range grass-fed meats delivered right to your doorstep at very reasonable prices. Believe me, it's very hard to find grass fed meats at any grocery stores, so I was pleased to find this site.

The Deadly Fatty Foods:

Hydrogenated oils (trans fats): These are industrially produced chemically altered oils subjected to extremely high pressure and temperature, with added industrial solvents such as hexane for extraction, and have a metal catalyst added to promote the artificial hydrogenation, followed by bleaching and deodorizing agents…..and somehow the FDA still allows this crap to pass as food. These oils aren't even worthy of your lawnmower, much less your body! They've been linked to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and more. Even small quantities have been shown in studies to be dangerous. If you care about your health, check the ingredients of everything you buy, and if you see partially hydrogenated oils of any kind, margarine, or shortening, protect yourself and your family by choosing something else.
Refined oils: Even if the oils are not hydrogenated, most oils on your supermarket shelves are refined, even most of the so called "healthy" canola oils. Most refined oils still undergo the high temperature, high pressure, solvent extraction, bleaching, and deodorizing processes. Anything labeled vegetable oil, soybean oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, safflower oil, and even many canola oils have been damaged by this refining process (unless they say "virgin" or "cold expeller pressed"). This damages the natural structure of the fats, destroys natural antioxidants, creates free radicals, and produces a generally unhealthy product. Take note that the explosion of heart disease in the middle of the 20th century coincides quite nicely with the rapid increase in the use of hydrogenated and refined oils in the food supply.
Anything deep fried: including tortilla chips, potato chips, French fries, donuts, fried chicken, chicken nuggets, etc. All of this crap shouldn't even pass as real food in my opinion!
Homogenized milk fat - Milk fat is a very healthy fat in its natural raw state. Milk and beef from grass fed organically raised cows is known to have higher quantities of healthy fats like conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and omega-3 fatty acids compared with grain fed cows. Traditional populations around the world have thrived in perfect health while consuming huge quantities of raw, non-pasteurized, non-homogenized, full fat dairy products. Once again, food processing ruins a good thing by pasteurizing and homogenizing milk fat, rendering it potentially dangerous inside the human body. Unfortunately, you will find it almost impossible to find raw milk in the US unless you personally know a farmer. Check out for more info on the benefits of raw milk and to find out if it's available near you. As an alternative, cultured dairy products like yogurt have at least had beneficial microorganisms added back to them making them better for you. Realistically, since you probably won't find raw milk, sticking to skim milk is the best option to avoid the homogenized milk fat. If you use butter for cooking, your best option is grass-fed butter.

I hope this article has shed some light on the truth about dietary fats and made you realize their importance in a healthy diet.

A fully comprehensive analysis on dietary protein, carbohydrates, and fat, and how to compile all of this information into a diet that promotes a lean healthy body with a low body fat percentage is provided in my book "The Truth About Six Pack Abs". Give it a try and you won't be disappointed!

See What 5 foods to kill belly fat ( Clic Here For More Information )

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What Is Tinnitus?

Do you suddenly get up in the middle of the night hearing strange noises? Yes it can definitely be frightening, more so when you cannot find the source. Now consider for a moment that these sounds are coming from within you. Most people would be stunned to know that. Many of us do not even know that our internal organs can make sounds.

Let us try to see whether you actually heard these noises or not, and if you did, where did they come from. Now before anything, let us get this straight - yes, you actually heard those noises. No, they are not a result of a creative mind that imagined things in slumber. But having said that, it is also true that there is indeed no source of the sounds you heard. So what is it? Confused?
This is a classic case of tinnitus.

Tinnitus Cure Secrets ( Click Here For More Information )

What is tinnitus?

What you experienced last night (or did you just get up from sleep and switch on the computer) is a classic case of tinnitus. This is a medical condition wherein a person hears all kinds of strange clicking, ringing, buzzing, whistling or hissing sounds within the ear. What's so worrisome about this condition for a lot of people is that, there's actually no physical source of these sounds. What makes it even worse is that, no one else seems to hear them. Frankly, these people cannot be really blamed. Naturally, if you cannot see where the sound is coming from, and if you keep hearing it, you are bound to get worried.

In tinnitus, the sounds a person hears are actually perceptions. Since there's no actual source, they are often referred to as "phantom noises". Will it help you if you knew that about 8% of all people in the US suffer from tinnitus? Perhaps not, but at least now you know that you are not alone who hears these strange noises.

What Causes These Noises?

Of course you will want to know why you are hearing these noises. But even before you find this out, you should know that tinnitus is actually not a disease. It is actually a symptom of a problem that is rooted deep, somewhere within your body.

The problem could be a simple one like an infection in the ear, or even simpler, such as ear wax. Just clear the wax and get the infection treated, and the noises could go away. In some people, it could even be the result of a side-effect of a drug they took. Or it could be more complicated.

Some people will have tinnitus because their Cochlea is damaged. And in a few, it could be caused due to hearing loss. But of course, the most common cause of tinnitus is exposure to loud noises. The noise can be a sudden burst, or it could be a constant banging that hits the ear drum and travels inside. If they are abusing their ears by making it a point to stay close to such a racket, they will definitely have to pay a price. What's this price - it is tinnitus.

Of course, the noises of tinnitus are not heard only during the night. You could hear them during the day too. But it definitely seems to become worse in the night. In a few people, the noises come and go as they please. And there are others who hear them all the time.

Treating Tinnitus

It is almost impossible to live with tinnitus but you don't have to. If you are hearing the noises, whether all the time or intermittently, you must seek treatment immediately. But sadly, conventional treatments only treat the symptoms of tinnitus and may provide temporary relief at best. Sure enough, the sounds are going to come back.

The only way you could ever get rid of your tinnitus for good is by following the holistic approach to healing. By using a multidimensional treatment for tinnitus, we are tackling all tinnitus causative factors and eliminating these triggering elements from the root. This is the only path for permanent freedom from tinnitus.

Tinnitus Treatment Naturally ( Click Here For More Information )

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Pregnancy and Yeast Infection

Prior to discussing the quality linking the probabilities of catching fungus infections with physiological state, we'll take a short look at the initial physiological reasons for the yeast infection complaint. but the question still has to be answered, will physiological state create a adult body even a lot of in danger regarding yeast infections? many ladies on the point of offer birth ar troubled concerning this. the reality is that fungus infection is double as probable throughout physiological state compared to things outside of physiological state.

Yeast infection within the duct is characterised by thick, white emission with the looks of pot cheese and discomfort whereas having sex. virtually three-quarters of ladies in western nations are afflicted by this type of infection once in their period and plenty of of them can need to continue enduring
chronic fungus infections. As a matter of reality, moniliasis, or yeast infection, may be a zymosis showing domestically or systemically with explicit impact on girls in western countries. the foremost frequent reasonably yeast infection is canal infection of that the standard symptoms embrace a burning feeling and cutaneous sensation
especially round the canal space.

Candida exists to a bigger or lesser degree within the enteric and venereal tracts of the majority, however flora overgrowth will achieve painful and enfeebling consequences and additionally vital health complications. Yeast during this medical context suggests that noncellular fungi. The common name, Candida, applies to the strain of fungi typically seen within the anatomy below traditional conditions also.
Different parts which can be internal, external, lifestyle-related or psychological then directly or indirectly kind the context within which fungus multiplication comes concerning. like several different medical issues, fungus overgrowth comes concerning thanks to cluster of things and connected interactions.

In addition, emotional stress poignant many ladies once pregnant and whereas expecting a baby might as a consequence degrade the system and increase the prospect of yeast overgrowth.

Pregnant girls additionally typically develop fixations on sugar-rich or white flour containing foods. As historically, pregnant girls ar allowed, even pushed to conform such cravings, these sugars and refined carbohydrates increase even a lot of the threat of yeast infection hopped-up by these sweetened environments.

In physiological state, a adult body undergoes changes at many levels together with secretion, physiological and psychological. These changes conspire to engender excessive fungus overgrowth and therefore the related symptoms. Pregnancy-induced secretion changes modify the canal context and create fungi a lot of doubtless to grow on the far side acceptable limits.

Ignoring moniliasis will cause general yeast infection, with vital negative effects each in terms of quality of life and overall well being. Since pregnant girls might not use several of the antifungal medications or antibiotic treatments obtainable to others, it's even a lot of vital to search out another answer for moniliasis throughout this moment of childbearing. Finding a remedy for moniliasis in expecting girls is crucial, as a result of otherwise infection may be communicated from the mother to her baby through the passageway throughout physiological state or throughout
childbirth, or subsequently via breast-feeding.

The holistic approach mistreatment modifications in dietary and way changes and eliminating toxins, will stop all sorts of yeast infection and additionally stop their repetition safely and effectively for pregnant girls and therefore the babies that they're carrying. Did you hear the news concerning the 100 percent natural holistic strategies that
can be accustomed remedy yeast infections for good and safely?

Pregnant womenwho need a complete and lasting answer to moniliasis will use holistic strategies to free themselves of this condition by taking a group of specific home remedies to alleviate the symptoms and by mistreatment holistic all natural tips that address the basic problems to tackle the $64000 downside.

How To Cure Yeast Infection ( Treatment Here )

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Who Are Your Neighbors, Anyway?

All people have them-neighbors-that is. we tend to borrow their field mowers, have our youngsters play along, and possibly have them keep a watch on our homes once we square measure out of town; however does one very understand your neighbors? whereas most of provide our neighbors a trust and commonality simply out of proximity to them, few people square measure very tuned in to United Nations agency they're and what their background is. this might be dangerous for you and your family. How? Let's take a more in-depth look, at why you would like a background check on even the foremost apparently harmless neighbors.

First, whereas you'd in all probability hate to suppose that Sally from the neighborhood watch or Tim from your soccer bbqs could be a criminal-or was-it's necessary to appreciate that everybody must live somewhere-and this includes criminals. So, whereas they will appear to hold on even as traditional as you and your family; this doesn't mean that they don't have dark pasts of criminal activity of variable styles.

Second, criminals are available 2 kinds: ones that are caught and fined and people United Nations agency are able to elude enforcement and punishment-thus so much. each varieties might be living nearby to you, and most often-recognizing them may be a lot of difficult than you'd suppose. Those discharged from jail or innocent from a court case could-and in all probability do-have a similar criminal intentions that created them commit no matter crime they committed within the 1st place. So, this said, they're going to in all probability bed again-and you'll be their victim.

Third, criminals and folks with treacherous pasts are available a large style of sorts. So, whereas you'll have seen on tv that you simply ought to be cautious of all men that live alone, and pay lots of their time indoors-know that criminal history isn't restricted to the current stereotype. In fact, several criminals understand the stereotype, and so as to fly in beneath your radar; produce lifestyles that appear as if your traditional neighbors and friends.

Fourth, although you'll wave greeting on your resolution within the morning, trade tools, or let your youngsters play at their houses; what quantity of their current and past info does one very know? For all you recognize that good family down the block, might be concealment a past of criminal activity-with or while not the complete information and participation of all members of the family. So, Todd 2 homes down, might be a convict that wasn't charged or Jill from consequent street over may have associate degree alias. Most people mechanically provide our trust to folks living in our neighborhoods for the easy undeniable fact that we all know wherever they live; however that doesn't mean that they aren't potential or past criminals.

Lastly, whereas you'll need to relinquish unconditional trust to your neighbors-offer them personal info concerning your home, kids, and schedules; it's with the folks nighest to you, that you simply square measure taking this opportunity on. So, whereas hoping for a district of upright voters and friends is nice; it's not realistic, and it's downright careless thereupon of your family and friends.

All these factors in mind, you almost certainly suppose that running a background check takes an excessive amount of time, money, or that your neighbors can conclude. It doesn't. It accustomed be that background checks on people were big-ticket, took many days, and lots of energy-as they were used completely by enforcement and criminal justice agencies. Today, there square measure services that just need a full name and one or two seconds of some time, literally, to conduct a hunt for criminal background info on the neighbor of your selection. Our access service at backgroundcheck360 offers one stop resource for running background checks on your neighbors, that's totally comprehensive to all or any types of info that will be necessary that you simply understand them. Inform yourself: you've got no excuse not to: not cash, energy, or time.

Free People Search Background Check ( Click Here )


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What Causes Tinnitus?

First the great news - we all know what causes symptom. And currently the dangerous news - standard bioscience cannot cure it. Not for good a minimum of. for sure, your doctor would counsel some remedies, and it's going to appear to you that the noises you hear square measure happening. As a result, you start to relax basic cognitive process that a plaguy drawback has been resolved. however suddenly the sounds come back once more. this is often a really common drawback truly.

So allow us to address the causes instead, and see whether or not we will attempt to solve the problem from this finish.

Here square measure a number of the foremost Common Causes of symptom

Exposure to noise - Did your mother continually tell you in your younger days to show down the volume? She was right. Exposure to blast will offer you symptom. In fact, rock musicians, and people UN agency work with them, or in night clubs usually have it. people who add construction sites even have symptom. therefore flip down that volume whereas you continue to will.

You could begin to listen to all types of noises if you have got been exposed to merely one high-pitched noise. Or it may well be because of a nonstop attack of loud noises near your ear.

This is what happens.

Tinnitus Cure Secrets ( Click Here For More Information )

Prolonged exposure to noise will harm the tube-shaped structure and cause symptom. therefore if you can not merely be from all that noise, a minimum of get some protection. Use associate ear plug once you will.

Head injury - watch out of your head as a result of a severe blow or a small bang might cause you to hear the symptom noises. the top is in fact one amongst the foremost sensitive components of the body. however some individuals cannot live while not associate injury, like people who square measure into sports - boxers and soccer players. that is why athletes square measure a lot of at risk of a symptom attack. Even a dental medicine might cause you to hear them.

Ear infections and different ear issues - associate ear infection, and even sinus will result in symptom in addition. once there's associate allergic reaction or a sinus infection, the secretion thickens at intervals the sense organ, and this causes a lot of pressure. the additional pressure will result in symptom. disease, wherever the fluid level goes up within the center ear is another excuse. It might even cause hearing disorder.

Prescription medications - standard medication usually cause facet effects, and symptom is one amongst them. Actually, all types of medicine are goddam for instigating this condition. like antibiotics like Aminoglycosides, Ilosone and Vancocin, Empirin or medicines containing it. anti-inflammatory medication like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, Aleve, Anaprox, Clinoril, Feldene, Indocin, etodolac and ibuprofen have additionally been goddam. typically individuals detected noises once taking therapy agents like Cisplatin, compound and Oncovin. and a few others have even goddam antimalarial drug and loop diuretics for this.

Stress - you want to already recognize that excessive stress isn't smart for your health. It might lead to all types of medical issues, and a few of them may also be fatal. Stress will cause symptom too. plenty of it's damaging for your immunity, and this could result in a misfire within the sound/brain waves. This adversely affects your system, and causes you to hear the noises.

Depression - Some individuals believe that depression causes symptom. And there square measure people who say that symptom causes depression. however most of them agree that there's a relation between these 2. And anyway, if your symptom is bothering you endlessly, it will cause you to depressed. Naturally this may any complicate matters.

Take on these causes to attain a permanent relief from symptom. simply endeavor the symptoms can ne'er work. After all, if the causes stay, the symptoms square measure absolute to come back.

The only means you may ever get obviate your symptom permanently is by following the holistic approach to healing. By employing a multidimensional treatment for symptom, we have a tendency to square measure endeavor all symptom abortifacient factors and eliminating these triggering components from the foundation. this is often the sole path for permanent freedom from symptom.

Tinnitus Treatment Naturally ( Click Here For More Information )

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Old School Ripping Tool

Remember the bodybuilders of yesteryear who would often shift their workouts to high reps for cuts? Oh, brother [roll eyes]. I guess back in the dark ages they didn't know that you can't etch in cuts with higher reps—or can you? Before we go any further I want to point out that bodybuilders have been leading the way as far as exercise and nutrition for decades. Don't skip this because it can help you with your goals, even if it is just being lean and fit.

If you've ever done a set of longer-tension-time leg extensions, you'd swear you were searing in lines of definition and blasting off fat with every rep—especially near the end of the set, when the burn was so fierce you almost punched your training partner in the neck to stop him from telling you to get another rep. But science tells us that you can't "burn in" detail—ah, but you can affect fat-burning hormones with higher reps—or, more accurately, longer tension times….

Studies show that growth hormone, a potent fat burner, significantly increases due to muscle burn. Lactic acid and other fatigue products have been shown to boost GH as well as testosterone. T is another power-packed fat burners, and both help you pack on muscle mass too. Canadian researchers discovered the muscle burn-GH connection back in 1997. (Can J Appl Physio. 22:244-255; 1997)

More recently IRON MAN's resident Ph.D.s, Gabriel and Jacob Wilson, discovered that fatigue also triggers testosterone increases:

"Researchers found large changes in testosterone following a moderate-intensity protocol [70% 1RM, multiple subfailure sets], and no significant increases were found after numerous sets performed at 100 percent intensity [1RM]. This suggests that bodybuilders may benefit from lifting in a moderate repetition range of eight to 12.

"It appears the greater rise in testosterone may be the result of greater metabolic stress, such as increases in lactic acid following moderate-intensity, rather than maximal-intensity, training. Moderate intensity, high-volume exercise—eight to 12 reps and more than four sets—leads to greater increases in testosterone than low-volume, maximal-intensity exercise." (Med Sci Sports Exerc. 36(9):1499-1506. 2004.; J Appl Physiol. 74(2):882-887. 1993.)

So the better testosterone boost was caused by volume—more sets—with most sets being subfailure. Interesting. That is very similar to the F4X method I've adopted (and am always barking about).

For those unfamiliar with F4X, you take a weight with which you can get 15 reps, but you only do 10; rest 35 seconds, and then do it again—and so on for four sets. On the fourth set you go all out. If you get 10 or more, you add weight at your next workout. The short rests cause cumulative fatigue pooling and a searing burn by the end, which is when you crash through the growth threshold.

Remember, it's all about tension time, not necessarily rep count. For example, f you do 10 reps, lifting in one second and lowering in three, you will get 40 seconds of tension time on every set (10 reps times 4 seconds). Whereas if you do 15 rapid-fire reps, you may only get 20 seconds of tension time. The 10-rep set will do a better torching job.

So tension time is the more accurate fat-to-muscle trigger here. And it's why I recommend four-second reps on almost every set of a F4X sequence. (Note: There are exceptions, which I will cover in a future blog; for example, X-celeration sets, 1.5 seconds per rep, can activate more and dormant fibers.)

So maybe the bodybuilders of yesteryear weren't wrong after all. Longer tension times for more muscle burn would increase growth hormone and testosterone, which in turn would get them leaner faster for more muscle and rippedness. If you're trying to build muscle and get leaner at the same time, you may want to try 4X, at least on an exercise or two for each bodypart.

I've been using it exclusively for almost two years straight—no superheavy training, only moderate weights—and I'm amazed at how my lean muscularity has stayed intact through the winter months, even with my looser diet (plus, I'm 52 years old!). Plus, my joints no longer wake me up at night.

Another reason F4X works so well at burning fat and building muscle is less cortisol release. Extreme weights traumatize joints and connective tissue, which means more stress hormones, which tend to eat muscle tissue and impair proper recovery. Excess cortisol also derails growth hormone output, so in that respect it may hamper your fat-loss efforts. Interesting.

That may be one reason Danny Padilla, one of the greatest short bodybuilders of all time back in the late '70s and early '80s often went to 5×12 with about 45 seconds between sets on every exercise for months before a contest. He did about four exercises for each muscle, and his workouts were quick.

His 5X did not overstress his joints, so he was keeping cortisol down, jacking up GH and testosterone and blasting through the growth threshold for maximum muscle development without overtraining. And he got built-in cardio too. No wonder he was renowned for getting big and ripped quick!

So F4X is not new. It's actually an old-school ripping tool that packs on plenty of muscle too.

Stay tuned, train smart and be Built for Life.

Tips for lose stomach fat ( Clic Here For More Information )


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The Symptoms of Tinnitus

The symptoms of symptom will cause plenty of annoyance and issues for the sufferer. And on high of that, the symptoms might be confusing yet. allow us to take associate degree example to grasp this higher.

You were leading a superbly sensible life, reaching to work and returning home everyday, however all of a explosive you start to listen to strange noises within the ear. in fact you suspect that there should be a supply of those noises. however unusually, nobody else appears to listen to them. you would possibly become frightened and assume that the noises ar coming back from at intervals your body, then you go and meet your doctor. when many examinations, the doc confirms that everything is ok at intervals you. however the matter is, you continue to hear these noises. they're setting out to get on your nerves and have an effect on you at work. And worst, the noises appear to go to pot in the dark, robbing you of your precious sleep.

That's symptom for you. The noises you hear ar its main symptoms, and that they might be of the many varieties. you may hear strange clicking, ringing, buzzing, whistling or hissing sounds at intervals the ear. however it's ne'er identical for everybody. There ar many United Nations agency hear all the time, and there ar others United Nations agency get them from time to time. Then there ar those that report associate degree intense attack. et al ar daunted by a relentless drill. however you'll make sure concerning one issue - plenty of individuals within the USA et al. have symptom. thus there is nothing particular concerning your condition.

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Most Symptoms of symptom ar Nothing however Phantom Noises

A lot of individuals become confused once they cannot find a supply of the noises they hear. and a few of them even become frightened. typically these individuals ar even ridiculed by those that cannot hear the noises themselves. except for those that have symptom, the sounds seem completely real. Actually, these ar simply phantom noises, a perception of hearing.

There ar Exceptions.

In a minimum of one instance, the noise detected might be real. In alternative words, there's a true supply of the noise that you simply hear. this can be referred to as Pulsatile symptom. In this, you'd be ready to hear your own heart beat, and it might drive you fully crazy as a result of you'd got to accept the constant beat all the time - no pun supposed.

There's another distinction. there is a minimum of a new one that will hear these noises, which is your doctor. The person can but got to use a listening device to listen to them. Do observe - this can be not identical as being attentive to the center beat with a medical instrument. Here, the doctor can use a listening device to listen to the noise at your ear, and not your chest.

What causes Pulsatile tinnitus? you may be hearing your heart beat if you've got high pressure level, have blood vessel injury, and even thanks to changes within the flow of blood. Sometimes, plenty of stress, anxiety or depression may cause this condition.

Tinnitus and Ear Pain

Sometimes the symptom noises might close with pain or discomfort within the ear. This sometimes happens once one or each of your ears ar blocked attributable to excessive wax. thus clear a number of it, and therefore the noise can escape.

But it's not invariably that straightforward to induce eliminate the noises. typically the causes will be way more sophisticated, and there might be many causative factors yet. Sadly, your typical doctor won't be ready to offer you permanent relief as a result of the treatment offered is simply symptomatic. Treating the symptoms can ne'er facilitate once the causes stay.

The only means you may ever get eliminate your symptom permanently is by following the holistic approach to healing. By employing a third-dimensional treatment for symptom, we tend to ar try all symptom contributory factors and eliminating these triggering components from the foundation. this can be the sole path for permanent freedom from symptom.

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 Revving Your Lean Machine: The Truth About Soreness

When you initial started figuring out, you almost certainly unloved it. Soreness hurts! however as you progressed, you little doubt embraced it—most people take into account it an indication that we've done our diligence and stirred up many muscle growth. however is that true?

The fact is, there are not any studies connecting muscle soreness to hypertrophy. Okay, don't stop reading yet; you'll get some great things from being slightly sore–and you'll in all probability even wish to try for it. however initial you wish to grasp what causes muscle soreness.

It's believed that the pain is caused by microtrauma in muscle fibers—and it's primarily triggered by the negative, or eccentric, stroke of associate exercise—like after you lower a bench press, squat or curl rep.

Once your body repairs those microtears, it follows that the muscle ought to grow larger; but, that trauma is within the myofibrils, the force-generating simple protein and globulin strands within the fiber. Those strands grab onto and pull across each other to cause shortening. after you management the negative stroke of a rep, there's friction as those strands drag across one another in an endeavor to slow movement speed to forestall injury—and that dragging, it's believed, is what inflicts the microtrauma.

That's a simplification, however you get the thought. thus it seems that some growth will occur when muscle soreness is repaired, however it's within the myofibrils. additional and additional analysis is starting to show that those force-generating strands don't contribute the bulk of muscle size; serious mass comes via sarcoplasmic growth. That's the "energy fluid" within the fibers that's full of animal starch (from carbs), ATP, calcium, noncontractile proteins, etc.

So if soreness is a sign of solely little amounts of muscle growth, why try for it? Well, even little amounts of growth contribute to overall mass. Most people wish each fraction we are able to compile. however the $64000 reason to hunt some soreness is to burn additional fat.

When the myofibrils area unit broken by accenting the eccentric, the body tries to repair them as quickly as doable. That repair method takes energy, lots of that comes from bodyfat. the method typically takes several days, thus your metabolism is stoked to the next level for forty eight hours or additional, serving to you get throw quicker. (Note: High-intensity interval coaching, like sprints alternated with slow jogs, damages muscle fibers throughout the extreme intervals, the sprints, that is why HIIT burns additional fat within the end of the day than steady-state cardio wherever no muscle harm happens.)

Do you want serious negative-only sets to induce that additional little bit of size and metabolic momentum? That's a technique, however negative-accentuated, or X-centric, sets could also be a more robust, safer way.

For associate X-centric set you're taking a somewhat lighter poundage than your 10RM and lift the burden in one second and lower it in six. That one-second-positive/six-second-negative cadence will some nice things, beginning with myofibrillar trauma for a few soreness. whereas you're managing that additional post physical exertion muscle pain, keep in mind that it will build the myofibrils which it's stoking your metabolism throughout the repair method for additional fat burning.

The second massive advantage is sarcoplasmic growth. At seven seconds per rep and eight reps per set, you get nearly a whole minute of tension time (seven times eight is fifty six seconds). A TUT of fifty to sixty seconds are a few things most bodybuilders ne'er get—which may be a shame as a result of that's optimum stress for associate anabolic cascade and this can be the right thanks to train as you age. I decision it old-fashioned New Body!

You can do associate X-centric set when your serious pyramid—if you're into serious coaching. In different words, use it as a backoff set.

If you're additional into moderate-poundage, high-fatigue mass building, as i'm with the F4X technique featured within the old-fashioned New Body technique, you'll be able to use X-centric because the last set of the sequence. scale back the burden and do a one-up-six-down cadence. You'll get sore, build some additional size and—bonus—burn for fat. however nice is that?

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Sculpt a Better Body with Proper Post-Workout Nutrition

post workout smoothieIdeas for healthy post-workout shakes to help build muscle and enhance fat loss

As you've probably heard before, your post-workout meal may very well be your most important meal of the day.

The reason is that when you're finished with an intense workout, you're entering a catabolic state where your muscle glycogen is depleted and increased cortisol levels are beginning to excessively break down muscle tissue. These conditions are not good and the only way to reverse this catabolic state (and promote an anabolic state) is to consume a quickly digestible post-workout meal (can be a shake or smoothie) as soon as you can after training.

The goal is to choose a meal with easily digestible quick carbs to replenish muscle glycogen as well as quickly digestible protein to provide the amino acids needed to jump start muscular repair. The surge of carbohydrates and amino acids from this quickly digested meal promotes an insulin spike from the pancreas, which shuttles nutrients into the muscle cells.

The post-workout meal should generally contain between 300-500 calories to get the best response. For example, a 120-lb female may only need a 300-calorie meal, whereas a 200-lb male may need a 500-calorie post-workout meal. Your post-workout meal should also contain anywhere from a 2:1 ratio of carbs:protein to a 4:1 ratio of carbs:protein. While most of your other daily meals should contain a source of healthy fats, keep the fat content of your post-workout meal to a bare minimum, since fat slows the absorption of the meal, which is the opposite of what you want after a workout.

When choosing what to make for your post-workout meal, the first thing to realize is that you DON'T need any of these expensive post-workout supplement formulations that all of the fancy ads you see everywhere will tell you that you absolutely NEED! I tend to prefer to make my own post-workout shakes from natural ingredients instead of using a commercial mixture, since many of them are low quality.
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However, one that I've found that I particularly like (and from a brand that I trust) is at this page: -- they have just the right ratio of carbs to protein and use quality ingredients.

For the shakes that I make myself, here are some things to keep in mind if you try it...

A good source of quickly digestible natural carbs such as frozen bananas, pineapples, honey, or organic maple syrup are perfect to elicit an insulin response that will promote muscle glycogen replenishment and a general anabolic (muscle building) effect. The more you can assist the muscle repair process, the more you increase your metabolic rate and can help your fat loss as well.

The best source of quickly digestible protein is a quality non-denatured whey protein and/or some fat-free or low-fat yogurt. Here are a couple ideas for delicious post-workout smoothies that will kick start your recovery process:

Chocolate Banana – blend together 1 cup water, ½ cup milk (I prefer raw grass-fed milk for max health benefits), one and a half frozen bananas, 2 tbsp organic maple syrup, and 30 grams chocolate whey protein powder – 38 g prot, 72 g carb, 1.5 g fat, 450 calories.

Pineapple Vanilla - blend together 1 cup water, ½ cup vanilla yogurt, one cup frozen pineapples, 2 tbsp honey (preferably raw), and 30 grams vanilla whey protein powder – 35 g prot, 71 g carb, 1 g fat, 430 calories.

When choosing a good whey protein, it's important to note that the quality vastly differs between brands and types. Most whey proteins are produced under high heat processes that destroy some of the fragile nutritional components of the whey. The best whey that I've found is this great new grass-fed RAW whey protein...since this is from grass-fed cows, it also has higher levels of muscle-building and fat-burning CLA (conjugated linoleic acid).

When looking to lose body fat, keep in mind that post-workout meals should have the opposite characteristics of all of your other meals throughout each day. While post-workout meals should have quick high glycemic index carbs and quickly digested proteins, all of your other meals throughout the day should be comprised of low glycemic index, slowly digested carbs and slow release proteins.

These are powerful strategies towards developing a lean muscular body with a low body fat percentage. Another great thing about post-workout meals is that you can satisfy even the worst sweet tooth, since this is the one time of the day where you can get away with eating extra sugars without adding to your gut. Instead, it all goes straight to the muscles! But ONLY if your workout was super-high intensity and involved resistance training for large portions of the body. If all you did was some low intensity cardio, forget about doing this type of post-workout shake.

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What Is Tinnitus?

Do you suddenly rise up within the middle of the night hearing strange noises? affirmative it will positively be horrifying, a lot of thus after you cannot notice the supply. currently take into account for an instant that these sounds square measure coming back from inside you. the majority would be surprised to understand that. several people don't even understand that our internal organs will create sounds.

Let us attempt to see whether or not you truly detected these noises or not, and if you probably did, wherever did they are available from. currently before something, allow us to get this straight - affirmative, you truly detected those noises. No, they're not a results of a clever mind that unreal things in slumber. however having aforementioned that, it's conjointly true that there's so no supply of the sounds you detected. thus what's it? Confused?
This is a classic case of symptom.

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What is tinnitus?

What you veteran last night (or did you simply rise up from sleep and activate the computer) could be a classic case of symptom. this is often a medical condition whereby someone hears all types of strange clicking, ringing, buzzing, whistling or hissing sounds inside the ear. what is thus worrisome concerning this condition for plenty of individuals is that, there is truly no physical supply of those sounds. What makes it even worse is that, nobody else looks to listen to them. Frankly, these folks can not be very damn. Naturally, if you can't see wherever the sound is coming back from, and if you retain hearing it, you're guaranteed to get distressed.

In symptom, the sounds someone hears are literally perceptions. Since there is no actual supply, they're usually said as "phantom noises". can it assist you if you knew that concerning V-E Day of all folks within the North American nation suffer from tinnitus? maybe not, however a minimum of currently you recognize that you simply don't seem to be alone United Nations agency hears these strange noises.

What Causes These Noises?

Of course you'll wish to understand why you're hearing these noises. however even before you discover this out, you must understand that symptom is really not a unwellness. it's truly a proof of a retardant that's nonmoving deep, somewhere inside your body.

The problem may be a straightforward one like AN infection within the ear, or perhaps less complicated, like ear wax. simply clear the wax and find the infection treated, and therefore the noises may get away. In some folks, it may even be the results of a side-effect of a drug they took. Or it may be a lot of difficult.

Some folks can have symptom as a result of their tube-shaped structure is broken. And in an exceedingly few, it may be caused owing to deafness. however after all, the foremost common reason behind symptom is exposure to loud noises. The noise are often a abrupt burst, or it may be a relentless banging that hits the ear drum and travels within. If they're abusing their ears by creating it a degree to remain near such a racket, they're going to positively need to pay a worth. what is this worth - it's symptom.

Of course, the noises of symptom don't seem to be detected solely throughout the night. you'll hear them throughout the day too. however it positively looks to go to pot within the night. in an exceedingly few folks, the noises return and go as they please. And there square measure others United Nations agency hear all of them the time.

Treating symptom

It is nearly not possible to measure with symptom however you do not need to. If you're hearing the noises, whether or not all the time or intermittently, you want to ask for treatment instantly. But sadly, standard treatments solely treat the symptoms of symptom and will offer temporary relief at the best. certainly, the sounds square measure aiming to return.

The only manner you'll ever get obviate your symptom permanently is by following the holistic approach to healing. By employing a dimensional treatment for symptom, we have a tendency to square measure effort all symptom tributary factors and eliminating these triggering parts from the basis. this is often the sole path for permanent freedom from symptom.

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The Real Cause of Infertility

Infertility will be outlined in 2 ways: as inability to conceive once a year of normal sexual activity while not birth control, or as continual posture pregnancies, miscarriages or perinatal loss. Male and feminine specific factors account for concerning half-hour of the physiological state causes (individually);the combination of male and feminine causing results in a further 2 hundredth and therefore the remaining 2 hundredth ar caused by unsure origins.

When one is managing physiological state, the maximum amount because it is vital to strictly follow the foundations of the treatment, it's equally necessary to create certain that you just have the proper identification of the foundation reason for your condition. during this article you may realize a broad define, enumerating the assorted probable causes of physiological state.

Why it's necessary to work out the causes.

Infertility could also be caused as a result of a large number of things at a time, or it should be the results of maybe the deviation of a precise single issue from its intended path. Since misdiagnosis will typically result in additional fertility complications, the terribly opening move of treating and natural action physiological state depends mostly on indentifying the foundation cause right within the starting of treatment.

The broad causes of physiological state in females could also be listed as follows:

. Anovulation: In females, ovulatory issues ar the foremost common causes of physiological state. The failure to discharge could also be as a result of variety of factors:

o secretion imbalance is that the most frequent reason for anovulation; once the ovaries manufacture immature eggs, physiological state becomes not possible.

o ladies with polycystic ovaries suffer from a attenuate secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone and augmented secretion of gonadotropic hormone and testosterone; so polycystic gonad syndrome might result in organic process in ladies.

o some 2 hundredth of the cases of physiological state occur as a result of the defective of the neural structure, the secretor that controls secretion stimuli, leading to immature eggs. The pituitary is chargeable for the regulation of gonadotropic hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, and its defective produces immature eggs.

o harm to the ovaries caused by previous surgeries, gonad cysts, tumors and infections might result in production of immature eggs also.

o Premature climacteric and cyst issues also are chargeable for organic process.

. Improper functioning of fallopian tubes: infective agent and microorganism infections of the fallopian tubes ar the first reason for their malfunction.

Appendicitis and redness ar abdominal issues that result in blockage of the fallopian tubes. structure damages might also be caused by previous surgeries, that render the tubes incapable of passing eggs. extrauterine gestation, that happens at intervals the tube, could be a potential threat to life that conjointly causes structure harm. nonheritable structure defects ar rare, however not not possible to return across as causes of physiological state.

. Use of drugs: Smoking, drinking and mistreatment alternative medicine are illustrious to decrease the possibilities of obtaining pregnant.

. issues within the Immune system: This drawback includes response reactions within the body and therefore the creation of antisperm antibodies that exterminate sperms. Natural killer cells, that once gift in excess, will harm the embryo within the womb. The antinuclear antibodies cause inflammation of the womb once gift in excess. The presence of antisperm antibodies within the female's body kills off the sperms before they'll fertilize the egg.

Although the causes of physiological state ar several, they're fairly simple to beat, particularly once diagnosed within the early stages. employing a holistic approach, comprising of the prescribed medicines, following a healthy diet, regular exercise, abstinence from alcohol, plant toxin and alternative medicine, stress management, treatment etc. guarantees positive results. as a result of the complicated and multifactoral nature of physiological state, the matter will be resolved for good solely by managing it within the holistic method, that tackles all the foundation causes of this condition instead of that specialize in specific triggering parts.

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Old School Ripping Tool

Remember the bodybuilders of time WHO would usually shift their workouts to high reps for cuts? Buckeye State, brother [roll eyes]. i suppose back within the age they didn't grasp that you simply will't print in cuts with higher reps—or can you? Before we have a tendency to go from now on i need to entails that bodybuilders are leading the approach as so much as exercise and nutrition for many years. Don't skip this as a result of it will assist you along with your goals, even though it's simply being lean and match.

If you've ever done a collection of longer-tension-time leg extensions, you'd swear you were searing in lines of definition and blasting off fat with each rep—especially close to the tip of the set, once the burn was therefore fierce you nearly punched your coaching partner within the neck to prevent him from telling you to induce another rep. however science tells U.S. that you simply can't "burn in" detail—ah, however you'll have an effect on fat-burning hormones with higher reps—or, additional accurately, longer tension times….

Studies show that somatotrophin, a potent fat burner, considerably will increase thanks to muscle burn. carboxylic acid and different fatigue product are shown to spice up GH moreover as androgen. T is another power-packed fat burners, and each assist you gain muscle mass too. Canadian researchers discovered the muscle burn-GH association back in 1997. (Can J Appl Physio. 22:244-255; 1997)

More recently IRON MAN's resident pH.D.s, Gabriel and Jacob Wilson, discovered that fatigue conjointly triggers androgen increases:

"Researchers found giant changes in androgen following a moderate-intensity protocol [70% 1RM, multiple subfailure sets], and no vital will increase were found when varied sets performed at one hundred pc intensity [1RM]. this means that bodybuilders could like lifting in a very moderate repetition vary of eight to twelve.

"It seems the bigger rise in androgen could also be the results of bigger metabolic stress, like will increase in carboxylic acid following moderate-intensity, instead of maximal-intensity, training. Moderate intensity, high-volume exercise—eight to twelve reps and quite four sets—leads to bigger will increase in androgen than low-volume, maximal-intensity exercise." (Med Sci Sports Exerc. 36(9):1499-1506. 2004.; J Appl Physiol. 74(2):882-887. 1993.)

So the higher androgen boost was caused by volume—more sets—with most sets being subfailure. fascinating. that's terribly just like the F4X technique I've adopted (and am forever barking about).

For those unfamiliar F4X, you're taking a weight with that you'll get fifteen reps, however you merely do 10; rest thirty five seconds, {and then|then|so|and therefore} fuck again—and so on for four sets. On the fourth set you go all out. If you get ten or additional, you add weight at your next physical exercise. The short rests cause accumulative fatigue pooling and a searing burn by the tip, that is after you crash through the expansion threshold.

Remember, it's all concerning tension time, not essentially rep count. for instance, f you are doing ten reps, lifting in one second and lowering in 3, you may get forty seconds of tension time on each set (10 reps times four seconds). Whereas if you are doing fifteen rapid-fire reps, you'll solely get twenty seconds of tension time. The 10-rep set can do a stronger torching job.

So tension time is that the additional correct fat-to-muscle trigger here. And it's why i like to recommend four-second reps on nearly each set of a F4X sequence. (Note: There square measure exceptions, that i will be able to cowl in a very future blog; for instance, X-celeration sets, 1.5 seconds per rep, will activate additional and dormant fibers.)

So perhaps the bodybuilders of time weren't wrong in the end. Longer tension times for additional muscle burn would increase somatotrophin and androgen, that successively would get them throw quicker for additional muscle and rippedness. If you're attempting to make muscle and find throw at identical time, you'll wish to undertake 4X, a minimum of on AN exercise or 2 for every bodypart.

I've been victimisation it solely for nearly 2 years straight—no superheavy coaching, solely moderate weights—and I'm astonished at however my lean muscularity has stayed intact through the winter months, even with my looser diet (plus, I'm fifty two years old!). Plus, my joints not wake Maine up at midnight.

Another reason F4X works therefore well at burning fat and building muscle is a smaller amount corticoid unleash. Extreme weights injure joints and animal tissue, which suggests additional stress hormones, that tend to eat muscle tissue and impair correct recovery. Excess corticoid conjointly derails somatotrophin output, therefore in this respect it's going to hamper your fat-loss efforts. fascinating.

That may be one reason Danny Padilla, {one of|one among|one in all|one amongst|one in each of} the best short bodybuilders of all time back within the late '70s and early '80s usually visited 5×12 with concerning forty five seconds between sets on every exercise for months before a contest. He did concerning four exercises for every muscle, and his workouts were fast.

His 5X didn't overemphasize his joints, therefore he was keeping corticoid down, jacking up GH and androgen and blasting through the expansion threshold for optimum muscle development while not overtraining. And he got constitutional cardio too. No marvel he was celebrated for obtaining huge and ripped quick!

So F4X isn't new. It's truly AN old-school rending tool that packs on lots of muscle too.

Stay tuned, train good and be engineered for keeps.

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The Shocking Truth about Dietary Fats and Saturated Fats

You've been deceived into thinking that saturated fats square measure dangerous for you, however let's cross-check some facts below...

I'll preface this text by voice communication that it'll facilitate if you have got associate degree open mind and settle for that a number of these facts square measure a slap within the face to correctness nutrition during this day and age wherever fats square measure chastened by several doctors, health "experts", and also the mass media.

To start, intake associate degree adequate provide of healthy dietary fats is vitally vital to your overall health. Fats square measure one {in all|one amongst|one in every of} the most parts in all of the cell membranes throughout your entire body. If you eat enough healthy natural fats, your cellular processes can proceed unremarkably.

On the opposite hand, if you eat unreal, heavily processed, with chemicals altered fats (damaged fats) that square measure found in most processed foods, your cellular perform are impaired as these broken fats become a part of your cell membranes, the body can ought to work more durable to control properly, and chronic diseases will develop.

In addition, healthy dietary fats square measure necessary for optimum endocrine production and balance among the body and square measure thus essential for the muscle building and fat burning processes. different vital functions that dietary fats play during a healthy body square measure aiding victuals and mineral utilization, protein regulation, energy, etc.

I cringe whenever I hear thus known as "health experts" suggest restriction of dietary fat, claiming that a diet is that the key to physiological condition, weight loss, and bar of chronic diseases. Restriction of anyone macronutrient (protein, carbs, or fat) in your diet works against what your body wants and might solely cause issues.

All 3 basic macronutrients serve vital functions for a lean, healthy, and disease-free body. As Dr. Mary Enig, Ph.D, and one among the leading fats researchers within the world, notes in many of her books and articles, there's little true scientific proof supporting the assertion that a high fat diet is dangerous for United States of America.

For example, if these thus known as "health experts" that admonish fat square measure correct, and a diet is that the answer to physiological condition, then why did ancient Pacific Islanders World Health Organization usually obtained 2/3 to 3/4 of their total daily calories from fat (mostly from coconut fat), stay just about free from cardiopathy, obesity, and different fashionable chronic diseases (that is, till Western dietary influences invaded)?

Also, why did ancient Eskimo populations, overwhelming up to seventy fifth of their total caloric intake from fat (mostly from whale blubber, seal fat, organ meats, and cold water fish), show superior health and longevity while not cardiopathy or obesity?

Why did members of the Nilotic language tribe in continent stay free from chronic diseases and maintain low body fat percentages on diets consisting of enormous quantities of raw milk, blood, and meat? What regarding the Samburu tribe of continent, that grub a mean of five times the number of dietary fat (mostly from raw milk and meat) as overweight, disease-ridden Americans, nevertheless Samburu members square measure lean, healthy, and freed from chronic diseases?

What regarding ancient Mediterranean diets, that square measure renowned to be terribly high in fat in some cases (sometimes up to 50-70% fat), and also are documented to be terribly healthy?

These samples of high fat diets and also the associated glorious health of ancient populations round the world proceed and on, nevertheless it appears that several doctors, nutritionists, and media retailers still ignore these facts and still promote a diet that restricts dietary fat intake.

Well, the matter is that the great fats (the natural unprocessed health promoting fats) have gotten erroneously lumped along in biological process recommendation with the deadly processed fats and oils that compose an oversized share of virtually all processed food that's oversubscribed at your native foodstuff, restaurant, deli, nourishment joint, etc. These deadly processed fats are actually all over and virtually not possible to avoid unless you recognize what to seem for and create sensible selections in what you feed your body with.

Take note that I'm not recommending following a brilliant high fat diet (although technically this could be a lot of healthy than a high carb diet as long as you select healthy fats).

However, in most cases, active people that exercise on an everyday basis definitely additionally would like adequate provides of healthy carbohydrates for energy and muscle polysaccharide filling further pretty much as good sources of supermolecule for muscle repair. The higher than samples of the high fat diets of ancient populations and their corresponding glorious health were merely to prove the purpose that you simply do not ought to be scared of dietary fats as long as you create healthy natural selections and keep among your daily caloric vary to take care of or lose body fat (depending on your goals).

Following may be a list of a number of the healthiest fatty foods (some can surprise you!) further as a number of the deadliest fatty foods to do to avoid in the slightest degree costs:

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The Healthy Fatty Food Choices:

Coconut fat: Coconut fat is about ninety two saturated fat, nevertheless astonishingly to the majority, is taken into account a really healthy natural fat. The health edges of coconut fat lie its composition of roughly sixty fifth medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). Specifically, regarding five hundredth of coconut fat may be a MCT known as dodecanoic acid, that has terribly potent anti-microbial properties serving to to boost the system. Also, MCTs square measure a lot of simply used for immediate energy rather than being hold on as body fat. copra oil is additionally a superb oil for stir-frying, etc. since saturated fats square measure far more stable and don't oxidize like unsaturated oils once exposed to heat and light-weight, that creates damaging free radicals. the most effective sources of healthy coconut fat square measure organic coconut milk, virgin copra oil (available at, or recent coconut.
further virgin olive oil: vegetable oil is about seventy one monounsaturated, 16 PF saturated, and thirteen unsaturated. select "extra virgin" vegetable oil, that comes from the primary pressing of the olives and has higher quantities of antioxidants. in contrast to most different oils on grocery shelves, further virgin vegetable oil isn't extracted with the utilization of harmful industrial solvents and is one among your healthiest selections for liquid oils. strive creating your own dressing by commixture atiny low quantity of vegetable oil with vinegar. this is often healthier than most store bought dish dressings, that square measure sometimes created with extremely processed and refined (chemically damaged) soyabean oil extracted with industrial solvents.
Dark, dark chocolate (>70% cocoa): The Theobroma cacao may be a terribly targeted supply of antioxidants and accountable for a part of the health good thing about bittersweet chocolate. The fat portion of the Theobroma cacao (cocoa butter) may be a healthy natural fat, composed of roughly fifty nine saturated fat (mostly healthy lipid acid), thirty eighth monounsaturated fat, and three fat. I'll limit the outline of healthy chocolate to solely dark dark chocolate with >70% cocoa content. Most milk chocolates square measure solely regarding half-hour cocoa, and even most dark chocolates square measure solely regarding fifty fifth cocoa, deed the rest of these merchandise composed of high amounts of sugar, milk fat, corn sweeteners, etc. explore for a high quality bittersweet chocolate that lists its cocoa content like Chocolove further Dark (77%) or Dagoba new phase of the moon (74%), that contain principally cocoa and extremely very little sugar. confine mind that though bittersweet chocolate is a healthy treat, it's still calorie dense, thus keeping it to merely a sq. or 2 may be a sensible plan.
Avocados or guacamole: The fat in avocados (depending on wherever they're grown) is about hr monounsaturated, twenty fifth saturated, and 15 August 1945 unsaturated. Avocados square measure a really healthy natural food that gives several nutrients, fiber, and healthful fats, whereas adding a chic flavor to any meal. strive sliced avocado on sandwiches or in salads or use dip in wraps, sandwiches, or quesadillas.
High fat fish like wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring, trout, etc.: as regards to any fish or food square measure sensible sources of natural polyunsaturated fatty acid unsaturated fats, however the upper fat fish listed higher than square measure the most effective sources of omega-3's. thanks to the novel switch to the next proportion of omega-6 fatty acid unsaturated fats like soyabean oil, corn oil, Carthamus tinctorius oil, etc. in our food provide throughout the center of the twentieth century, the common western diet is presently means too high in omega-6's compared to omega-3's, that wreaks mayhem in your body. this is often wherever sensible polyunsaturated fatty acid sources like high fat fish, walnuts, and flax seeds will facilitate bring you back to an improved quantitative relation of omega-6/omega-3. I additionally suggest malacostracan crustacean Oil, that has been shown to probably have even a lot of health edges than customary animal oil
dotty (any and every one - walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews, macadamias, etc.): dotty square measure nice sources of healthy unprocessed fats further as minerals and different trace nutrients. Macadamias, almonds, and cashews square measure nice sources of monounsaturated fats, whereas walnuts square measure a decent supply of unprocessed unsaturated fats (including omega-3's). try and avoid dotty that square measure stewed in oil. Instead, select raw or dry cooked dotty.
Seeds (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, herb seeds, flax seeds): All of those seeds square measure nice sources of natural unprocessed healthy fats. above all, flax seeds have received lots of attention recently thanks to their high polyunsaturated fatty acid content. However, confine mind that polyunsaturated fatty acid unsaturated fats square measure extremely reactive to heat and light-weight, and susceptible to oxidisation and radical production. Therefore, freshly ground flax seed is that the solely thanks to go. rather than exploitation the shop bought ground flax seed, you'll obtain whole flax seed and use one among those miniature occasional grinders to grind your own flax seed. strive grinding recent flax seed into your yoghurt, cereal, or maybe your dish. If you're employing a flax oil, certify it's a cold-pressed oil during a light-proof cold instrumentation, and use it up among a couple of weeks to stop it from going rancid. ne'er cook with flax oil!
The fat in organically raised, unconfined animals: this is often wherever the majority are misinformed by the mass media. animal material is inherently sensible for United States of America, that is, if it came from a healthy animal. men have thrived on animal fats for thousands of years. the matter is, most mass made animal merchandise nowadays don't return from healthy animals. they are available from animals given many antibiotics and finished up with hormones and fed un-natural feed. the answer is to decide on organically raised, unconfined meats, eggs, and dairy. At now, the worth continues to be to a small degree higher, however as demand grows, the costs can return down. I've found an unbelievable web site that truly offers unconfined grass-fed meats delivered right to your step at terribly cheap costs. Believe me, it's extremely laborious to seek out grass fed meats at any grocery stores, thus i used to be happy to seek out this web site.

The Deadly Fatty Foods:

alter oils (trans fats): These square measure industrially made with chemicals altered oils subjected to very air mass and temperature, with supplemental industrial solvents like dissolver for extraction, and have a metal catalyst supplemental to push the bogus chemical process, followed by bleaching and deodorizing agents…..and somehow the authority still permits this crap to pass as food. These oils aren't even warrant your lawnmower, a lot of less your body! They've been connected to fleshiness, cardiopathy, diabetes, cancer, and more. Even little quantities are shown in studies to be dangerous. If you care regarding your health, check the ingredients of everything you get, and if you see partly alter oils of any kind, margarine, or shortening, defend yourself and your family by selecting one thing else.
Refined oils: notwithstanding the oils aren't alter, most oils on your grocery shelves square measure refined, even most of the thus known as "healthy" canola oils. Most refined oils still endure the extreme temperature, air mass, solvent extraction, bleaching, and deodorizing processes. something labeled edible fat, soyabean oil, corn oil, oil, Carthamus tinctorius oil, and even several canola oils are broken by this processing method (unless they assert "virgin" or "cold expeller pressed"). This damages the natural structure of the fats, destroys natural antioxidants, creates free radicals, and produces a typically unhealthy product. note that the explosion of cardiopathy within the middle of the twentieth century coincides quite nicely with the fast increase within the use of alter and refined oils within the food provide.
something deep fried: together with pancake chips, potato chips, tater, donuts, deep-fried chicken, chicken nuggets, etc. All of this crap should not even pass as real food in my opinion!
milk fat - Milk fat may be a terribly healthy fat in its natural raw state. Milk and beef from grass fed organically raised cows is understood to possess higher quantities of healthy fats like conjugated polyunsaturated fatty acid (CLA) and polyunsaturated fatty acid fatty acids compared with grain fed cows. ancient populations round the world have thrived in good health whereas overwhelming vast quantities of raw, non-pasteurized, non-homogenized, full fat dairy farm merchandise. Once again, food process ruins a decent issue by pasteurizing and homogenizing milk fat, rendering it doubtless dangerous within the flesh. sadly, you'll notice it virtually not possible to seek out milk within the United States of America unless you in person understand a farmer. look at for a lot of data on the advantages of milk and to seek out out if it's offered close to you. As another, refined dairy farm merchandise like yoghurt have a minimum of had helpful microorganisms supplemental back to them creating them higher for you. Realistically, since you almost certainly won't notice milk, protruding to milk is that the best choice to avoid the milk fat. If you employ butter for cookery, your best choice is grass-fed butter.

How to lose belly fat ( Clic Here For More Information )


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Sculpt a Better Body with Proper Post-Workout Nutrition

post sweat smoothieIdeas for healthy post-workout shakes to assist build muscle and enhance fat loss

As you've most likely detected before, your post-workout meal might okay be your most significant meal of the day.

The reason is that once you're finished with associate intense sweat, you're coming into a catabolic state wherever your muscle polyose is depleted and augmented Hydrocortone levels square measure starting to overly break down muscle tissue. These conditions don't seem to be sensible and also the solely thanks to reverse this catabolic state (and promote associate anabolic state) is to consume a quickly digestible post-workout meal (can be a shake or smoothie) as shortly as you'll be able to once coaching.

The goal is to settle on a meal with simply digestible fast carbs to fill muscle polyose likewise as quickly digestible macromolecule to supply the amino acids required to leap begin muscular repair. The surge of carbohydrates associated amino acids from this quickly digestible meal promotes an hormone spike from the exocrine gland, that shuttles nutrients into the muscle cells.

The post-workout meal ought to typically contain between 300-500 calories to induce the simplest response. as an example, a 120-lb feminine might solely want a 300-calorie meal, whereas a 200-lb male may have a 500-calorie post-workout meal. Your post-workout meal ought to additionally contain anyplace from a 2:1 quantitative relation of carbs:protein to a 4:1 quantitative relation of carbs:protein. whereas most of your alternative daily meals ought to contain a supply of healthy fats, keep the fat content of your post-workout meal to a clean minimum, since fat slows the absorption of the meal, that is that the opposite of what you would like once a sweat.

When selecting what to form for your post-workout meal, the primary issue to comprehend is that you simply DON'T want any of those dearly-won post-workout supplement formulations that every one of the flamboyant ads you see all over can tell you that you simply fully NEED! I tend to opt to create my very own post-workout shakes from natural ingredients rather than employing a business mixture, since several of them square measure quality.
See What 5 foods to kill belly fat ( Clic Here For More Information )

However, one that I've found that I significantly like (and from a whole that I trust) is at this page: -- they need simply the proper quantitative relation of carbs to macromolecule and use quality ingredients.

For the shakes that I create myself, here square measure some things to stay in mind if you are trying it...

A good supply of quickly digestible natural carbs like frozen bananas, pineapples, honey, or organic sirup square measure excellent to elicit associate hormone response which will promote muscle polyose replacement and a general anabolic (muscle building) result. The additional you'll be able to assist the muscle repair method, the additional you increase your rate and might facilitate your fat loss likewise.

The best supply of quickly digestible macromolecule could be a quality non-denatured whey macromolecule and/or some skimmed or low-fat food. Here square measure some ideas for delicious post-workout smoothies which will starting motor your recovery process:

Chocolate Banana – mix along one cup water, ½ cup milk (I like raw grass-fed milk for soap health benefits), one and a [*fr1] frozen bananas, a pair of tbsp organic sirup, and thirty grams chocolate whey macromolecule powder – thirty eight g prot, 72 g carb, 1.5 g fat, 450 calories.

Pineapple Vanilla - mix along one cup water, ½ cup vanilla food, one cup frozen pineapples, a pair of tbsp honey (preferably raw), and thirty grams vanilla whey macromolecule powder – thirty five g prot, 71 g carb, 1 g fat, 430 calories.

When selecting a decent whey macromolecule, it is vital to notice that the standard immensely differs between brands and kinds. Most whey proteins square measure made beneath high heat processes that destroy a number of the delicate nutritionary elements of the whey. the simplest whey that I've found is that this nice new grass-fed RAW whey macromolecule...since this can be from grass-fed cows, it additionally has higher levels of muscle-building and fat-burning CLA (conjugated linoleic acid).

When trying to lose body fat, confine mind that post-workout meals ought to have {the opposite|the alternative|the alternative} characteristics of all of your other meals throughout day after day. whereas post-workout meals ought to have fast high glycemic index carbs and quickly digestible proteins, all of your alternative meals throughout the day ought to be comprised of low glycemic index, slowly digestible carbs and slow unleash proteins.

These square measure powerful ways towards developing a lean muscular body with a coffee body fat proportion. Another good thing concerning post-workout meals is that you simply will satisfy even the worst appetency, since this can be the just one occasion of the day wherever you'll be able to depart with uptake additional sugars while not adding to your gut. Instead, it all goes straight to the muscles! however as long as your sweat was super-high intensity and concerned resistance coaching for giant parts of the body. If all you probably did was some low intensity cardio, chuck doing this sort of post-workout shake.

How To lose belly fat and get six pack abs ( Clic Here For More Information )


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The Groundbreaking Blueprint By The Internet Guru

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3 Weird Tricks That Makes Potty Training Easy...

If you're up to it...I've got something I want to ask you?  

And then let's have a little discussion...okay?  

Here's my question?  

How much money would you save this year if you never had to buy diapers again?...  

Diapers are expensive and even if you put that Costco membership to use and buy them in bulk, the yearly costs of keeping your child in diapers can all add up to a car or mortgage payment ...right?  

Which is money down the "toilet" I'm sure you could really use in your pocket?  

When your child is potty trained, you save on average $1200 each year. What could you do with all that extra money?  

...put it towards the bills?...  

...tuck it away for a rainy day?  

...Splurge on a weekend getaway and still have money left over to pay off the babysitter?  

My question...and I know it's a obvious one, is...  

How amazing would it feel to know the next dirty diaper you change could be the last one you  would ever have to change?

If you said incredibly amazing...May I share a bit of wisdom with you?  

It'll make you feel motivated to start potty training tomorrow.  

I learned this from, Carol Cline, a women who's helped parents potty train thousands of children across the globe.  

IMPORTANT Little known WISDOM: Your child can be fully potty trained in only 3 days flat.  

In fact...  

potty training can even be INCREDIBLY EASY once you have a proven and guaranteed plan to follow!  

How's potty training in 3 days possible?  

Here's how...  

By discovering 3 weird potty training laws and sticking to them...  

Carol Cline calls these the 3 laws for quick potty training success  

==>Learn more about the 3 laws of potty training

Once you understand exactly HOW potty training is done, it's much FASTER to get your child out of diapers for good.  

But that's not even the best part...  

The powerful part is BECAUSE now you are following Carol Cline's proven potty training blueprint...  

You'll avoid overcomplicating things, which means you avoid the risk of your child falling into deep regression.  

Make sense?  

Carol Cline has a talent for explaining this in a fun way using what she calls her "fail proof plan"...  

==>Read More About Her Methods Here

You'll get a kick out of her personal potty training story too:-)  

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