Sunday, December 15, 2013

How to Help Your Child Learn to Read

The ability to read is vital for success. It helps your child succeed in school, helps them build self-confidence, and helps to motivate your child. Being able to read will help your child learn more about the world, understand directions on signs and posters, allow them to find reading as an entertainment, and help them gather information.

Learning to read is very different from learning to speak, and it does not happen all at once. There is a steady progression in the development of reading ability over time. The best time for children to start learning to read is at a very young age - even before they enter pre-school. Once a child is able to speak, they can begin developing basic reading skills. Very young children have a natural curiosity to learn about everything, and they are naturally intrigued by the printed texts they see, and are eager to learn about the sounds made by those letters. You will likely notice that your young child likes to look at books and thoroughly enjoys being read to. They will even pretend to behave like a reader by holding books and pretend to read them.

As parents, you're the most important first step in your children's journey into the wonderful world of reading. It is up to you to create the most supportive environment that turns your child on to reading - such as reading aloud to them often during the day and before bedtime, and placing age appropriate books for children around the house, so that the child will have access to plenty of books. Reading often to your child will help develop their interest in books and stories, and soon they will want to read stories on their own.

With the help of parents, children can learn how to read. Make reading into a family activity, and spend time playing words games and reading story books. This will not only help you child learn to read, but it'll also help them build a rich vocabulary, teach them language patterns, and help them fall in love with books and reading.

Below are some tips to help you teach your child to read.

Talk to your child - before a child can learn to read, he or she must first learn to speak. Talk to your child about everything and anything - whatever interests them. Tell them stories, ask your child lots of questions, play rhyme games, and sing songs with them.

Read to your child consistently everyday - we're all creatures of habit, and enjoy having a daily routine. Set time aside each day to read to your child. Read to your child every night. Make this their "cool down" period before they go to sleep. This not only helps your child develop an interest in books and reading, it also help the parent bond with the child, and develop a healthy relationship.

Help your child develop reading comprehension - typically, parents will take the time to read for their children; however, many parents do not put much emphasis or thought on whether their children understands what they've just been read to. Instead, occasionally, make an effort to question your child on what you've just read. For example, you read to your child:

"Jack and Jill went up the hill..."

You pause briefly and ask your child:

"So where did Jack and Jill go?" Or alternatively, "Who went up the hill?"

Young children may not catch on right away initially, and it may take a little practice, but they'll eventually catch on and begin to develop a deeper understanding of what they are reading. This is a very important step in helping your child develop reading comprehension. Of course, don't do this every single time you read, or your child will quickly get bored and lose interest. Do it at random times, and do not over do it.

Help your child to read with a wide variety of books and keep reading fun - There is no shortage of children books, and you should always have a wide variety of children books, stories, and rhymes available. Reading is a lot of fun, for both parents and children. Read to your child using drama and excitement, and use different voices. Give your child the option of choosing what book they want you to read, instead of picking the book you want to read to your child.

When reading to your child, read slowly, and point to the words that you are reading to help the child make a connection between the word your are saying and the word you are reading. Always remember that reading should be a fun and enjoyable activity for your children, and it should never feel like a "chore" for them.

>> Click here to help your child learn to read

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The Simplest and Most Effective Method to Teach Children to Read

There are many different methods and opinions on how to teach a child to read - while all are well-intentioned, some methods could actually lead to reading difficulties in children. Learning to read is a critical step towards future academic success and later on success in life. If you cannot read, you cannot succeed. There is an amazingly simple method - actually, a combination of two methods - that can teach anyone to read, even children as young as 2 and 3 years old.

The combination of these two methods has been used in the Children Learning Reading program to successfully teach thousands of young children to read. So what are these methods?

It is the combination of synthetic phonics and phonemic awareness.
Most have probably heard of phonics, but phonemic awareness is a concept less well known and  it's not something you hear about often. Certainly, phonics is absolutely necessary to develop fluent reading skills; however, there are different types of phonics including embedded, analogy, analytical, and synthetic phonics. While using some type of phonics is better than not including any phonics instructions at all, you will achieve FAR BETTER results by employing synthetic phonics, which is by far the most easy and effective method for teaching reading. Multiple studies support this.

In a 7 year study conducted by the Scottish Education Department, 300 students were taught using either analytic phonics or synthetic phonics. The results found that the synthetic phonics group were reading 7 months ahead and spelling 8 to 9 months ahead of the other phonics groups. At the end of the 7 year study, the children were reading 3.5 years ahead of their chronological age.

Very impressive!

Through their amazing reading program, the creators (Jim & Elena - parents of 3 children) have taught all of their children to read phonetically by 2 years old and have helped thousands of parents to successfully teach their children to read as well! Some are small 2 or 3 year old toddlers, others are young 4 or 5 year old preschoolers, and still others at ages 6, 7, 8 or even older.

>> Just click here to watch amazing videos of young children reading, and see the amazing results so many parents are achieving with their children. (Insert your hoplink here)

The Children Learning Reading program works so well that many children will achieve reading ages far ahead of their chronological age.

Take Jim & Elena's children as an example: their oldest child, Raine, was reading phonetically at 2 years 11 months old, and by the time she entered kindergarten at 5 years old, she was reading at a grade 5 level with a reading age of 11.9 years - almost 7 years ahead of her chronological age. Their second child, Ethan, learned to read phonetically by 2 years 9 months, and at age 3, he was reading at a grade 2 level with a reading age of 7.2 years - progressing at a similarly quick pace as his older sister. Find that hard to believe? You can watch some videos posted here.

There are many different phonics programs out there, but rarely do you ever hear a mention of phonemic awareness (PA), and PA is absolutely an equally critical component to developing reading skills in children. What makes the Children Learning Reading program so unique and amazingly effective at teaching young children is that it seamlessly combines the teaching of synthetic phonics along with phonemic awareness to enable children to develop superb reading skills.

Above and beyond simply teaching children to read and decode effectively, this approach of combining synthetic phonics and PA instructions works to help children achieve reading ages far above their chronological ages - just as the Scottish study had demonstrated with synthetic phonics. The amazing effects of this type of learning increases dramatically with time and age. Even more noteworthy is that this approach to learning reading immensely enhances a child's spelling abilities as well! Indeed, in a report published by the National Reading Panel (NRP), the NRP had found that learning through synthetic phonics and phonemic awareness instructions greatly enhances a young child's ability to spell.

Whether you have a toddler, a pre-schooler, a kindergartener, or an early grade school child, the Children Learning Reading program will enable you to effectively teach your child to decode and read phonetically. The lessons are taught in a logical and sequential order of learning, and the step-by-step lessons make it super easy for you to teach your child and enable your child to become a fast and fluent reader.

>Click here to learn more about the Children Learning Reading program and teach your child to read today

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How to Teach a 2 or 3 Year Old to Read.

Reading is one of the most important skills one must master to succeed in life. It helps your child succeed in school, helps them build self-confidence, and helps to motivate your child. Being able to read will help your child learn more about the world, understand directions on signs and posters, allow them to discover reading as an entertainment, and help them gather information.

Learning to read is very different from learning to speak, and it does not happen all at once. There is a steady progression in the development of reading ability over time. The best time for children to start learning to read is at a very young age - even before they enter pre-school. Once a child is able to speak, they can begin developing basic reading skills. Very young children have a natural curiosity to learn about everything. They are naturally intrigued by the printed texts they see, and are eager to learn about the sounds made by those letters. You will likely notice that your young child likes to look at books and thoroughly enjoys being read to. They will even pretend to behave like a reader by holding books and pretend to read them.

At what age can you start teaching a child to read? When they're babies? At 2 years old, 3, 4, or 5 years old, or wait until they're in school?

If you delay your child's reading skill development until he or she enters school, you are putting your child at risk... 

Did you know that 67% of all Grade 4 students cannot read at a proficient level! According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, of those 67%, 33% read at just the BASIC level, and 34% CANNOT even achieve reading abilities of the lowest basic level!

There is a super simple and extremely effective system that will even teach 2 and 3 year old children to read.

This is a unique reading program developed by two loving parents, Jim and Elena, who successfully taught all of their children to read before turning 3 years old. The reading system they developed is so effective that by the time their daughter was just 4 years 2 months old, she was already reading at a grade 3 level. They have videos to prove it.

>> Click here to watch the videos and learn more.

Their reading system is called Children Learning Reading, and it is nothing like the infomercials you see on TV, showing babies appearing to read, but who have only learned to memorize a few word shapes. This is a program that will teach your child to effectively decode and read phonetically. It will allow you to teach your child to read and help your child develop reading skills years ahead of similar aged children.

This is not a quick fix solution where you put your child in front of the TV or computer for hours and hope that your child learns to "read"... somehow...

This is a reading program that requires you, the parent, to be involved. But the results are absolutely amazing. Thousands of parents have used the Children Learning Reading program to successfully teach their children to read.

All it takes is 10 to 15 minutes a day.

>> Click here to get started right now.

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The Roadmap To Success

Do you like to be successful with the Internet? I bet you want!

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Now I used to hate make money products, I thought they were cheap and over rated and to be honest I seen it as cheating!

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Success is in YOUR hands!

i hope to enjoy this post

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

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Monday, November 4, 2013

Renowned folk singer Reshma ... of lambi judai fame passes away

Renowned folk singer ... of lambi judai fame Reshma passes away and is no more amongst us..... an unforgettable singer from Pakistan .... never new she was a Pakistani ..... long live cultural relations between india and Pakistan .... we can never be separate entities!!!!!! Let her soul rest in peace .......famous singer Reshma is no more amongst us .......

Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger f India Librarian directly? email to .- ; 1816gbgv

Monday, October 21, 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Report on 58th Indian Library Association International Conference on Next Generation Libraries: New Insights and Universal Access to Knowledge (ILANGL-2013) 24-27 February, 2013 CONFERENCE DIRECTOR Dr. B. S. Kademani Scientist-G, Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, Maharastra

                        Report on 58th Indian Library Association   
                             International Conference
Next Generation Libraries: New Insights and Universal Access to Knowledge
24-27 February, 2013
Dr. B. S. Kademani
Scientist-G, Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, Maharastra


Dr. Ramesha
Associate Professor, Dept. of Library and Information Science,
Bangalore University, Jnana Bharathi Campus, Bengaluru
Prof. B.D. Kumbar
Chairman, Dept. of Library and Information Science,
Karnatak University, Dharwad

Golden Jubilee Auditorium, Karnatak University, Dharwad


Respected dignitaries on the Dias, invitees, delegates of the conference and my dear professional colleagues, a very good afternoon one and all present here.

May we recall on this solemn occasion the selfless contribution and forethought of our mentors, gurus and teachers who started this Department in the year 1962. Thousands who have moved out of the portals of the educational abode reverentially salute them on this occasion.

Dharwad is known as a second cultural city of Karnataka State, as this place has given birth to many  giants in, music, poetry, dramatics, education, literature, art and culture and has also been the birth place for many philosophers, spiritual leaders, inventors, and business people those have contributed, to the rich tradition of this place. On this occasion I pay my respects to all those, the past and present.

The place where the Karnatak University is located was named by then President of India, Dr. Babu Raajendra Prasad as “Chhotamahabaleshwar” that was attributed to its climatic conditions and the valley around. In the valley the River Shalmala flows and many are yet to know this fact.

On this land with many unique features, the four days – from 24th to -27th February 2013 were spent with joy and rich knowledge of the delegates who made their scholarly presentations. I have made a sincere effort to consolidate the gist of presentations, deliberations and interactions of 58th Indian Library Association International Library Conference of on “Next Generation Libraries: New Insights and Universal Access to Knowledge” (ILANGL-2013) Organized by the Dept. of Library and Information Science, Karnatak University Dharwad between 24-27 February, 2013. I hope all of you have really relished and enjoyed the Golden Jubilee Conference organised by the Dept. of Library and Information Science, Karnatak University, Dharwad.
I would like to recall the valuable contributions made by late Prof. M.R. Kumbar and Prof. K.S.Deshpande the founding fathers of Library and Information Science department who were primarily responsible for many innovative practices and the other luminaries who have immensely contributed for overall development of the department through the 50 years which has occasioned to celebrate this event. I extend my sincere thanks to Dr. B.D. Kumbar, Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Karnatak University Dharwad and the Organising Secretary, and Dr. D.V. Singh, President, Indian Library Association, Delhi for having invited me to act as a Rapporteur General for the most memorable Conference in my professional career because I’m one of the alumni of the this prestigious university and the LIS department. I extend my sincere thanks to authorities of Karnatak University, the Organising Committee especially Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Prof. C.R. Karisiddappa and equally thank all the office bearers of Indian Library Association both present and elect. 
It’s my duty to thank Dr. A.Y. Asundi, my teacher and a strong motivator of all my academic endeavours and Dr. B.S. Kademani, the Director of the Conference for guidance and help in preparing the conference report.
I along with Dr. B.S.Kademani sincerely thank the authorities of the Karnatak University for their gracious offer to host 58th ILA International Conference as a part of Golden Jubilee celebration of DLISc. They have facilitated the delegates from different part of India and abroad to meet in this magnificent building (Golden Jubilee Auditorium) the conference venue.

Since last two decades the profile of the libraries, their resources and services are on constant and persistent change. The Library professionals are facing a fabulous task of managing traditional and new information resources and equally there are “here today and gone tomorrow” modes of services and products that Libraries are required to entertain. The users’ needs are changing and the library use patterns are also on the verge of new needs. In this context the conference chose a topic that is contemplated over again and again, where the professionals are required to face new types of libraries under the nomenclature “Libraries without walls, Electronic Libraries, Digital Libraries, Virtual Libraries” and so on.

The Department of Library and Information Science, Karnatak University, Dharwad in its Golden Jubilee year, organizing 58th Indian Library Association International Conference on the theme “Next Generation Libraries: New insights and universal access to knowledge”. The subject of the conference is very relevant and important as there are persistent deliberations going across the world on what would be the future of the libraries and librarianship, from its contents, from the stand point of organization and the tools and techniques of providing access to varieties of knowledge resources.  It is a suitable occasion to discuss this vital issue on completion of 100 years of LIS education in India and the main goal of this conference is to create awareness and the relevance of libraries and librarianship by adopting innovative and emerging technological tools and techniques.

 Coincidently this Golden Jubilee of Dept. of Library and Information Science, KUD also marks the completing the 80 years of ILA. The organizers invited papers from a wide spectrum of professionals from the different parts of India and aborad.  In fact, the response was overwhelming and encouraging.  The conference received over 200 papers out which the editorial committee selected 137 papers for presentation and deliberation. Total 137 papers are included in the conference proceedings and are listed under 8 different themes.  Out of 137 papers Thirty Seven are written by individual authors, 58 are contributed by two authors and  30are by three authors and only 12 articles are by more than three authors. This shows the extent of Co-authorship and Collaboration in LIS research activities in the country as well as aborad.

          With regard to participation, the conference attracted large number of participants from different parts of India and abroad.   There were in all 250 registered participants. Besides the registered participants, the Organizing committee had invited a large number of distinguished professional experts from different parts of India to share their rich professional knowledge and experience. 

The great gala opening ceremony was marked by the presence of a large strength of LIS fraternity with the rich legacy associated with the Department of Library and Information, Karnatak University and the brand of ILA made an auspicious opening for the 58th Indian Library Association International Conference on “New Generation Libraries: New Insights and Universal Access to knowledge” with style at prestigious Golden Jubilee Auditorium, Karnatak University, Dharwad. Marked by the presence of a large number of delegates across the India and abroad, in total the conference received an overwhelming response. The inaugural ceremony of the conference began with an invocation rendered by Dr.Gururaj Hadagali and the team.  The auspicious beginning of the conference was started with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp by the dignitaries on the dais
Dr. B.D. Kumbar, Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Karnatak University, Dharwad and Organizing Secretary,  extended warm welcome to the dignitaries on the dais as well as to the invitees and the delegates of the conference and introduced the guests present on the occasion.

Keynote Address:

A scholarly and highly intellectual Keynote address was delivered on this occasion by Dr. Ismail Abdullahi, Associate Professor, School of Library and Information Sciences, North Carolina Central University, USA. Dr. Abdullahi presented the current status of LIS Education in Developing Countries and explained the current trends and challenges being faced by them to improve the quality of LIS education, research and training. He applauded the achievements of Indian Library Association during last 80 years, which has provided services to its members through advocacy, promotion and training of LIS professionals, improving their status, promoting research and collaborative working with international organizations such as the IFLA and UNESCO for organizing conferences and disseminating information about librarianship in India. He was optimistc that the network and collaboration that the LIS Education in Developing Countries initiated has become a catalyst of movement that ties its members together by their common will to combine individual forces into one enterprise. Their purpose is to develop a self-sustaining bond and to promote their common aspirations and vision. For LIS Educators in Developing Countries, cooperation is not only desirable but also critically necessary to eradicate the underdevelopment of libraries and library education. He said that the share of the developing country population is 85% and there is constant need to catch up with the developed world, for which intensive collaboration among developing countries in LIS would be essential.

Release of Conference Volume and other Publications:

           Prof. H.B. Walikar, the Hon. Vice-Chancellor, Karnatak University, a great visionary leader, released the Conference Proceedings and the Souvenir was released by Mr. P. Sasindran. The Directory of Alumni of KUD was released by Dr. D.V. Singh, President, ILA. The book entitled “Readings in Library and Information in Education in India authored by Prof. C.R. Karisiddappa and Dr. A.Y. Asundi, and another book entitled Basic issues on digital libraries: The 21st century knowledge centres written by Dr. Sujin and Dr. E. Ramaready were released by Dr. B.S. Kademani, Scientist-G, BARC, Mumbai. 

Addresses by the Guests and Felicitations:
This was followed by Inaugural address by the Chief Guest, Mr. P. Sasindran, COO, Jindal Steel Works, Thorangallu, Bellary. The Chief Guest recalled his love for books and libraries from his school days. In the olden days the knowledge was passed on from mouth to mouth and the knowledge diversity in people as well as a means of uniting people.
Dr. D. V. Singh, President ILA, in his address stressed on the need for adapting to the change, and presented an exclusive analogy of “Rock blocking the flow of water”.  The ICT deals with bits and bytes, whereas Libraries are concerned with ‘mentelfacts and artifacts’ he exemplified with the distinct eloquence. He critically examined the recent survey conducted by the NCER and lamented on the declining reading habits among the youth due to electronic media explosion.
Dr. B. S. Kademani, Scientist-G, Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai, and the Conference Director presented an overview of the conference theme. Dr. Kademani highlighted the relevance of this International Conference for the benefit of all types of LIS professionals including Librarians, researchers, students and faculty members to enhance the quality of Librarianship and said in the present context of celebration of 50 years of the Department the theme has been very relevantly selected and for which he complimented the organizers.
Dr. H. B.  Walikar, Hon. Vice Chancellor Karnatak University, Dharwad, gave the Presidential address. On this occasion he remembered the Library services he received at the hands of Dr. S. R. Gunjal when he was research student in the Department of Mathematics of the University. Today you have computers, internet and other ICT means to search for information but in the absence, such means of rendering a service is highly commendable. He suggested that LIS professionals should have the ability to identify, locate and provide proactive services to user community.

Felicitation Function:
The ceremonious occasion apart from the above event, the felicitation of the professional fraternity, comprising of past/retired teachers of the Department, some the teachers who had served the Department and moved over to other universities was held. It also included some of the professional giants who were closely associated in the development of the department and some aluminus who have achieved professional excellence were also honoured. The list of professional honoured includes:
I.             The teachers who are no more were remembered:
a)    Prof. M. R. Kumbhar  b) Prof. R. R. Atgur  c) Prof. S. R. Ijari

II.           The other teachers who were honoured on the occasion are:
Prof. K. S. Deshpande (in Absentia)
Prof. B. B. Hungund (in Absentia)
Prof. S. R. Gunjal
Prof. R. C. Patil 
Prof. B. V. Rajashekar
Prof. V. B. Hubli
Prof. C. R. Karisiddappa
Prof. A. K. Baradol
Prof. S. L. Sangam.
Prof. A. Y. Asundi
Prof. P. V. Konnur
Prof. I. K. Ravichandra Rao
Prof. N. Laxman Rao,
Dr. E. Rama Reddy
Prof. D. Chandran
Prof. M. M. Kognuramath
Prof. Jagtar Singh
Shri. M. M. Badni

It needs to be appreciated that the data which was collected from different LIS fraternity who have contributed immensely since from the inception of the Department.  The facilitation citations of the professionals honoured on this occasion were meaningfully and thoughtfully read by Dr. Gururaj S Hadagali, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Karnatak University, Dharwad. After this function, the ILA Awards Ceremony was held. The details of the Awards are given below.
 ILA Awards
Indian Library Association has instituted several awards for the human and professional service rendered by the LIS professional in the cause and promotion of Librarianship in India. This year ILA had received many nominations for the awards which were shortlisted by the committee and conferred the following awards to individuals and institutions.
1.   ILA - P.S.G. Kumar Life-time Achievement Award was conferred on Dr. H.K. Kaul, Director, DELNET, New Delhi.
2.   ILA - P.N. Kaula Best Librarian Award conferred on Dr. A. K. Chakraborthy, Bose Institute, Kolkata.
3.   ILA – S. M. Ganguly Award for Best School Library to DAV Public School, Kurukshetra, Haryana.
Dr. Ramesh R. Naik, Associate Professor, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Karnatak University, Dharwad proposed the vote of thanks.

Dr. C. Krishnamurthy, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Library and Information, Karnatk Universtiy, Dharwad was the master of the ceremony.

The technical sessions were commenced on the Second day of the conference. The Session-wise detailed Report is presented here.

Technical Session – I :

The session was started with an invited talk by Dr. E. Ramareddy, former University Librarian, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad and Visiting Faculty of Mahasarakam University, Tailand and now RRRLF Research Scholar, New Delhi. The topic of his talk was “Academic Library services in India in the 21st Century”. Dr. Ramareddy dwelt on what should be the status of Academic Libraries in the 21st century and in this context analysed the issues relating to the existing status, desired status and the define actions to be taken to the reach the desired status. He emphasized on the trends, parameters and the projections of the achievement of academic libraries. 

The first technical session for the presentation of contributed papers on the theme “Best Practices in Libraries” was Chaired by Dr. Sujin, Maharsarakam University, Thailand, Dr. Suresh Jange, Deputy Librarian, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga was the Rapporteur. Five out of Seventeen papers were presented in the session by the respective authors.

          The papers mainly focused on the background of Best Practices in the libraries and some case studies in this regard were presented and some of them in specialized institutions like Agricultural University and in Education libraries. The session also saw the future of university libraries and also some comparative studies on information sources in business and management sectors.  The delegates interacted with the authors and put some interesting questions and sought some clarifications of the mode of the case studies.

Before the start of the second technical session a Product presentation on “RFID Technology” was presented by Mr. Chandrasekar S Sanikop of 3M India.

The second technical session on the theme “Human Resource Management and Marketing of Library Information Product and Services” was followed after the tea break.  The Chairman, Co-chairman and the Rapportuer of the session respectively were Dr. Jagtar Singh, Professor and Dean, Department of Library and Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala,  Dr. O. N. Chowbey, Library, Election Commission of India, New Delhi and Dr. J. Shivarama, Asst. Professor, TISS, Mumbai.

          In this session out of 17 papers scheduled only 4 papers were presented and the Chairman expressed his disappointment due to lack of interest by the authors to come over and present their papers.  Out of the four papers, three were on Marketing and only one was on HRM in Libraries. The HRM mainly focused on Leadership needs in Librarianship and marketing in specialized products and services. The paper on “Mobile alerting services” invited many appreciations and it received a very good response from the audience. After presentation of all the papers, the flour was open of discussion. Delegates raised few questions as well as clarifications and the presenters of the papers answered the queries. 

The third session commenced after the Lunch Break. The theme of the session was “Management and use of electronic resources”. The Chairman of this was Prof. B.S.Biradar and Dr. Pradeep Rai of ILA was Co-chair and Sri Anjaiah Muthukuri was Rapportuer. Out of the 12 papers listed for the session seven were presented by the authors. The subjects discussed on the theme are management of e-resources, survey of e-resources and finally on the use of E-resources and the papers were well received.

After the session and tea break a product presentation from Informatics India Ltd., by Mr. Sanjay Grover was made on “Bridging the access gap”. This was followed by the previous theme and in this session out of 12 papers, six papers were presented by the respective authors. The papers mainly constituted on Resource Sharing and Consortia in India. They discussed the mode of resource sharing among the academic institutions and the interaction was very lively and the questions were aptly answered by the authors.

The same theme was continued in session Four.  This session was Chaired by Dr. D. Chandran, Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Library and Information Science, S.V. University, Tirupati, Co-chair Dr. Abhjieet Sinha, Librarian, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, Delhi University. Dr. Ashok Kumar, Deputy Librarian, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, TN., acted as Rappoteur. In this session there were 16 papers listed and out of which 7 papers are presented.  

The papers mainly concentrated on effective use of e-resources and benefits of resource sharing in the networked environment. Few authors presented various library consortia initiatives in India such as UGC-INFONET and INDEST.

The theme of the fifth technical session was “Application of IT in Libraries and Cloud Computing” one of the current popular topics of discussion. The session was Chaired by Dr. M. Krishnamurthy, Faculty, DRTC, ISI, Bangalore and Co-chaired by Dr. P.K. Chowdhary, General Secretary, ILA, Delhi and Dr. P.J. Nirmala, Deputy Librarian, Karunya University, Tamilnadu was the Rapportuer for the session.  In this session 11 papers were listed out of which 8 papers are presented by the learned authors.

The papers were on:
§  Library Automation and Networking
§  Building Academic Information Centre using Online databases
§  Computer Architecture for Digital Libraries
§  and the remaining papers were on Cloud Computing and  its applications in LICs

The technical session six was Chaird by Dr. I. K. Ravichandra Rao, Former Professor and Head, DRTC, ISI, Bangalore and Co-chaired by Dr. Surendra Kumar, ILA, Delhi and Ms. Shazad Afia, Librarian, SECAB Arts and Science College, Bijapur served as a Rapporteur.

In this session there were 11 papers out of which 7 papers were presented. The papers mainly were on “Digital Libraries and Institutional Repositories” another area of studies in LIS.  The papers deliberated IR initiatives in India and the world, and Dr. Krishnamurthy pointed out that there is growing trend of IRs in India which is a welcome approach.

As in India, the distance and virtual learning programmes in LIS are also coming up in USA. A trend of iSchools is a new phenomena in that country, and the representatives coming from the University of Wisconsin, Millwaukee, Ms.Jessic Hutchings and Angela Sodawsky made a presentation on “Preparing next generation of LIS Professionals.”

Pre-lunch session i.e., Technical session Seven was on “Open Source and Open Access” and was chaired by Dr. A.N. Bandi, Librarian, NIFT, Hyderabad. The Co-Chair and Rapportuer for the session were Ms. B. Radhika Rani, Asst. Professor and Head, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Kakatiya University, Warangal and Dr. Ningappa Arabagonda, Selection Grade Librarian, Govt. Degree College, Byadgi respectively. In this technical sesssion there were 15 papers out of which 6 papers were presented by the authors. Out of them, one was on OSS, two were on Open Access and three were on Social Networking.

The post lunch session, the Eighth technical session was on the theme “Information Literacy and Use of LIS Services. Dr. P.G. Tadasad, Associate Professor and Chairman of Dept. of LIS, and the University Librarian i/c Karnataka State Women’s University, Bijapur, Dr. N.S. Shokeen, Head, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Kalpana Chawla Govt. Polytechnic for Women, Ambala City, Haryana served as Co-chair and Dr. Rajendran, Librarian, SRM University, Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu served as Rapporteur.

In this technical sesssion there were 12 papers out of which 7 papers were presented and most of them focused on Information Literary another thrust area of discussion in LIS. The last technical session of the day was Chaired by Dr. S.B. Patil, Librarian, Karnatak University, Dharwad and Mr. K.G. Jayarama Naik, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Bangalore University, Bangalore acted as Rapportuer. The previous session also continued in this session too.

In this technical session 11 papers were listed out of which 6 papers were presented by the authors. The authors focused mostly on Community Information Services, E-governance and the role of Public Libraries in the context.

General Body Meeting of ILA and Election of Offce-bearers for the Period 2013-2016.
The General Body Meeting of the ILA was held at 5.30 pm. Dr. D.V.Singh, President ILA Presided over the Meeting. The important agenda of the Meeting was Election to ILA Office-bearers for the period 2013-2016 and it  was held this year. The results of the election from the Election Officer/ Returning officer were received and announced. All the positions were elected unopposed.  The new team was congratulated and felicitated during the meeting.

The concluding session i.e., Ninth session of the conference was on Social Networking and Web 2.0 technologies. Mr. J.P. Hiremath, Former Librarian, Institute of Banking Studies, Kuwait, Chaired the session, Mr. B.R. Radhakrishna, Librarian, UCPE, Bangalore University, Bangalore acted as Rapportuer.
In this session 12 papers were listed of which 3 papers were presented. The authors made presentations on Blogs, Web Portals, CMS and Access and Security tools of the Web.
Panel Discussion:
A Panel Discussion an important business session of the conference on the theme of the Conference was held and Prof. A.Y.Asundi was the moderator. The Panelists were; Dr. M.M Kognurmath, Professor and Head, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar. Dr. D.V.Singh, President, Indian Library Association, Delhi Dr. M.K.Bandi University Librarian, Mangalore University, Mangalore and Dr. B.S. Kademani, Scientist-G, BARC, Mumbai. The moderator Welcomed the panelists and the issues relating to the theme of the Panel Discussion were deliberated by the Panelist and discussion followed.
I take this opportunity once again to profusely thank Dr. B.D. Kumbar, Organising Secretary, Professionals colleagues of the Dept. of Library and Informtion Science, Karnatak University, Dharwad, Dr. D.V. Singh, and all the office bearers of ILA for giving me this task of Repoting. 
Above all I thank each one of you for your active participation and deliberation during technical sessions and even after technical sessions. Some time you are toooo emotional and sometime tooooo silent. Whatever be it let us join our hands to uphold this profession through innovation, quality of libraries, education and research set in by our fore fathers like Dr. S.R. Ranganathan and others with professional commitment, zeal and passion in advancing the standards and ethics.
Once again thank you one and all…………..

58th ILA International Conference Resolutions and Recommendations:
In conclusion of these proceedings the following Resolutions (Draft) have emerged and the same are placed before the audience for their perusal and consideration.
  1. It is inferred from the presentation of papers on the subtheme “Best Practices in LIS” that the new generation libraries required revised benchmarks for the taking stock of the infrastructure facilities and services. In the context of growing assessment and evaluation process, especially in the academic environment, formulation of the renewed parameters on Benchmarking and best practices in the context of emerging new generation libraries is envisaged. The conference hence resolved and recommends undertaking suitable steps in this context, and the institutions and the professional bodies should initiate proper actions in the matter.
  2. The infrastructure for preparing manpower to handle the present state of libraries is quite adequate in our country. There are some gaps in the delivery of pedagogical issues in the context, such as preparing new generation leaders and experts in the emerging areas of LIS and in particular new generation libraries. The Conference is of the opinion that the course curriculum of the present LIS schools should attempt to inculcate the leadership and decision making concepts in the teaching, training and continuing education programmes of LIS.
  3. The growth of information industry is quite visible now and the output of varieties of information and knowledge resources is on the rise.  In this context it is recommended that suitable training programmes on “Marketing of Information Products and Services” be undertaken so that the products of LIS Schools find new avenues for employment.
  4. The last two decades have witnessed a tremendous growth of e-resources, in the form of e-books, digital library consortia and so on. There is a need for the concentrating on the “Management of e- Resources “ and the programmes and courses on the management of new kinds of information and knowledge resources should be focused more intensively than before. The conference recommends that the LIS Schools and Professional bodies design specialized courses in this context to prepare the manpower for the future.
  5. There is a growing impetus on the availability of OSS and Open Access resource mobilization like IRs and Self- archiving.  The deliberations in the conference revealed that the pace of building IRs is very moderate and there is an urgent need to initiate suitable actions to intensify building Open Access Resources at all levels and in all sectors viz., education, industry and government. This will provide proper visibility to such efforts and would encourage collaboration among different sectors for mutual sharing of the resources.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013