Friday, October 1, 2010

thought for the day

Grace and Working with "What is"


"One partner, blind to his own faults will notice, criticize and condemn the very same imperfections in the other. …. If you acknowledge your imperfections and the imperfections of this world, work hard and rise to the challenge to be aware of them and change and evolve accordingly, "then you are a vehicle for the expression of God's dynamic perfection" writes David Aaron in his spiritual work based on his understanding of the Kabbalah, The Secret Life of God. …  Working with "What is" means to seek meaning within the absurd, peace within chaos, light within darkness, joy within suffering – without the need to deny the reality of absurdity, chaos, darkness and suffering." Marquerite Theophil  ; (Times of India – Speaking Tree, October 1, 2010).

Librarianship is a noble profession

Wednesday, September 29, 2010



Habit 1: Proactivity, fanaticism, and downright aggression

A popular though unacknowledged (here) website notes that "Vision without action is a dream; action without vision is a nightmare". Are there any other words that ring as true as this? Well, of course, but let's stay on task here.

In brief, if you're not going to Do Something About It, just go back to reading the newspaper and drinking coffee. Continuous whining only irritates people. Sure, kicking and screaming aren't going to win you any friends either, but at least you'll get your own way. Eventually.

Habit 2: From Librarianship to World Domination - yes, YOU can!

Although the cynical may doubt the reality of achieving this goal, any tin-pot world dictator will tell you that it doesn't matter where you start, only where you finish.

Of course, they always come to some sort of nasty end and are psychotic sociopaths with no conscience, but they never let these small handicaps interrupt their focus. History has never forgotten those who led military dictatorships, nor brought about senseless war.

Habit 3: Prioritization and Delegation - keeping the trivial in some else's in-tray

How much of your precious time is consumed with doing what ever the heck you are being paid to do? If you've noticed that you're rushed off your feet whilst the person next to you is cruising through their day, YOU are doing something wrong!

If your co-workers claim to also be busy, had you considered the vast untapped human resources that walk into your library every day? Sure, they're not trained for library work, but many will be thrilled to be asked to fix the photocopier, show someone how to set up an email account, download music, scrape gum off chairs, and maybe even do the odd bit of cataloguing. If you don't ask, you'll never know.

Habit 4: Believe in yourself

"Boy, this is a pretty old one" I can hear you thinking. But hey! Unless you are in fact an imaginary character, why shouldn't you at least suspect that you are a real person.

If you manage to convince yourself that you actually exist, then you're well on the way to getting others to agree with you. No longer a faceless servant to the masses, you can rise to a servant with a face! (If you're incredibly ugly, you can skip this one.)

Habit 5: Exceptio probat regulam

Where would any self-respecting list of anything be if it didn't include at least one Latin phrase plucked from a website that's hopefully been written by someone who knows what they are talking about? After all, that's the very essence of online content, isn't it?

So, "the exception proves the rule". For you to become a highly successful librarian, you will have to first let go of the concept that hard work and dedication will help you achieve your ambitions. For proof, look at your colleagues, working away in intense concentration. As they will be doing tomorrow. And the next day. If you want to be the exception, you KNOW what you have to do now. Except you could also become unemployed - it's up to you to weigh the risks against the possible benefits.

Habit 6: Synergy, empowerment, paradigms, viability and other jargon

Talk the talk of management! It will give you a patina of authority, a voice that should be listened to. Much easier than learning a foreign language, your engagement in the mode of articulation of your corporate ecology will contribute to the implementation of your personal agenda.

Besides which, not even the suits themselves understand what they're saying. Don't be intimidated!

Habit 7: Imagination, ingenuity, innovation, inspiration, and inventiveness

Yes, it's the five "I"s of success. It really should have been seven, as this is the seventh and thus final one of the 7 Habits of Highly Successful Librarians.

But seeing how these sounded more suited than "Fabrication, falsehood, fancy, fantasy, fiction, figment, and forgery", it's probably better to go with the 5Is. Suit yourself though - if you haven't got access to a thesaurus, you're really not going to get very far in life or in your career. Let alone your plans for world domination!

Source of Information :

Librarianship is a noble profession

Monday, September 27, 2010

“Like it or not, if you look at your own mind you will discover it is void and groundless, as insubstantial as empty space” – Padma Sambhava (Sacred Space – Times of India, 27-09-2010)

"Like it or not, if you look at your own mind you will discover it is void and groundless, as insubstantial as empty space" – Padma Sambhava

(Sacred Space – Times of India, 27-09-2010)

Librarianship is a noble profession

Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Know God and all fetters will fall away". .......Shvetashvatara Upanishad

"Know God and all fetters will fall away. 
No longer identifying yourself with the body,
go beyond birth and death.  All your desires
will be fulfilled in Him Who is One without
a second.  Know Him to be enshrined in
your heart always.  Truly there is nothing
more in life to know". - Shvetashvatara Upanishad
Source : Sudhamahi Regunathan,
Librarianship is a noble profession

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Julia Roberts and Librarians : Julia Robert honoured with Lifetime Achievement award. Julia received the award at the San Sebastian International Film Festival in Spain (Times of India : September 22, 2010).

Julia Roberts and Librarians : Julia Robert honoured with Lifetime Achievement award. Julia received the award at the San Sebastian International Film Festival in Spain (Times of India : September 22, 2010).
• “Well, perhaps a picture of a middle-aged woman, with her hair up, trying to look at the bottom shelf of books through her bifocals. That would mean standing on one shoulder, weaving her head about to get the titles in focus. Then, right beside that picture, could be the same middle-aged woman, with her hair down (perhaps looking like Julia Roberts will in a few years), helping a student (on a computer), while taking photos of the group for the yearbook. On the other hand, any picture that made librarians look like Julia Roberts or Clive Owen would be beneficial to the admissions offices of schools of librarianship”. Source :

Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- .- 1816gbgv

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"When faced with difficulties or obstacles, just tide over and get to your serene nature"-Asaram Bapu (Speaking Tree - Times of India Sept 21, 2010

"When faced with difficulties or obstacles, just tide over
and get to your serene nature"
Asaram Bapu
(Speaking Tree - Times of India Sept 21, 2010)
Librarianship is a noble profession

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fw: Patience

Librarianship is a noble profession

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Rajashekhar Devarai <>
To: Padmavathi Jodavula <>
Sent: Mon, 20 September, 2010 12:34:09 PM
Subject: Patience

"Have patience with all things, but chiefly have
patience with yourself.  Do not lose courage
in considering your own imperfections, but instantly
set about remedying them - every day begins
the task anew."
Saint Francis De Sales
(Times of India, Speaking Tree,
September 20, 2010).
Librarianship is a noble profession

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cast away the evil you have done ........Isaiah

" Cast away the evil you have done and get yourself a new heart and a new spirit......... The work of righteousness shall the peace and the effect of righteousness quietness and confidence for ever. "
Librarianship is a noble profession

Friday, September 17, 2010

As the mind clears and becomes focussed, we begin to peorm our actions in the outer world skilfully, selflessly and without clinging to their fruits. We become more familiar with the larger, eternal aspect of ourselves that lies unchanged below the turbulence of daily life.-Rajmani Tigunait

"As the mind clears and becomes focused, we begin to perform our actions in the outer world skilfully, selflessly and without clinging to their fruits.  We become more familiar with the larger, eternal aspect of ourselves that lies unchanged below the turbulence of daily life".
-Rajmani Tigunait(Times of india - Sacred Space : 17-009-2010)
Librarianship is a noble profession

Thursday, September 16, 2010

naa chiTTi chEtulu chakkani vraatalu nErvalEdayyO!

Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- .- 1816gbgv

"Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy and serenity, We need only to be aware, alive in the present moment."

"Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy and serenity, We need only to be aware, alive in the present moment."
Tich Nhat Hanh (Times of India - Sacred Space : September 16, 2010)
Librarianship is a noble profession

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Why we feel that we are alone?...........September 14, 2010

September 14, 2010
"For every one is linked with every one else through the
kinship of the soul - vasudhaiva kutumbakan." -
Acharya Nitya Satyananda (Speaking Tree - TIO Sept 14, 2010).
It is very true .... but we need to remind this this to ourselves
again and again. We either dont know this .... or we keep
forgetting... or we just dont want to know its importance.
And yes we get puzzled .... get isolated .... desperate ....
restless. We keep murmuring i am alone .... no one
cares me. Let us resolve to believe that we all human beings
 .... and other beings are interconnected and interwoven in
separably. No one in this world is alone. It is only a
learnt behaviour , it is only a fobia that
we feel at times that we are alone.
Librarianship is a noble profession

Monday, September 6, 2010

"Inception and the Subconscious"

The write up by Jui Pagedar in Times of India (Speaking Tree - 06-09-2010) titled "Inception and the Subconscious" and is educative and seductive for all those who evince interest in what appears to be more illusionist and imaginary. Yes it is human tendency to believe only those things which one can see, feel and sense easily. But the fact remains ... that we have worlds connected to us in more intimate ways than we think. Yes these other worlds are as real or more real than the lives we have believed and seen. Hats off to Jui Pagedar and Scholars alike for contributing to Speaking Tree. Best wishes.

ASBM, Bhubaneswar

Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- .- 1816gbgv

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wrestling with God ..... Janina Gomes

Wrestling with God
Source : Janina Gomes.-Speaking Tree, Times of India.-July 07, 2010

Often we find in life, we want one thing and just another happens. …. All the while , the shadow of God hovers and has been hovering over us in all situations both good and bad. …. If we allow the grace of God to flow unimpeded in us, we will find that goodness flows naturally from us, like the river.

LbnRaj responds!!!!! : “Yes … we find that many a times we aim at something and something else happens. After a lapse of time …. We find that happened was also close to our chest. What we never thought as interesting…useful to us becomes the thing we right now adore and like. Ya it is true … we long for certain things in life … it is also true we sooner or later like the things that are given to us…. the things that are with us abundantly. There is no need to learn to like the things that we have … it happens … it just happens. Let us resolve to notice the abundance of things around us for us … which came without asking for. Yes the things we have are abundant … we are indeed rich … every one is rich… but realization of this comes may be late … may be very late.”

Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- .- 1816gbgv

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Intelect and Intelligence .....

Intellect and Intelligence : Swami Parthasarathy says , "Intelligence is buildt by gaining information, knowledge from external agencies, from schools and universities, teachers and textbooks.  The intellect is developed through your individual effort by exzercising the faculty of questioning, thinking and reasoning. …….. Those having developed a powerful intellect, woth or without academic distinction, can hold the mind under perfect control and direct action to spell success and peace in life. ….. It is their primary responsibility to strike an equable balance between acquiring intelligence and developing intellect.  Only by maintaining this essential equation can governments be run businesses c onducted, professions practiced and famili8es live in peace and prosperity"

(Speaking Tree.-Times of India, 22nd July 2010 : Source – Governing Business and Relationships / Swami Parthasarathy)

Librarianship is a noble profession.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lbn Raj idling on a July Sunday


LbnRaj idling on a July Sunday:


What inspired Lbn. Raj: (1) A bittersweet comeback/ Indrani Rajkhova Banerjee- Times of India, July 18, 210 (Times Life!) (2) In your darkest moment/ Vinita.Nangia, Times of India-O-zone, 18 July, 2010.


It is but natural by looking at great lives of remarkable people, to realize the uniqueness & importance of ones own ups & downs, highs & lows. How interesting it is now to recollect as to how we stumbled upon our first job or business, how we felt on our first serious failures in our first jobs. The more experienced we became may be more serious issues we faced with. Highs & lows are but spices to our lives. What is life of a person who never changed his tracks, who never saw/ or gone in for the so called change of business or a change of a job or has never opportuned to resign or put ones foot down when one cant go away further in anything, when one succeeds to have something which he/she dreamt for long. It is but quite possible what after one fulfills ones desire/ dreams. One may feel- how worth it was to long for such an ordinary not so great a thing! I realise of late dreaming about some jobs, fortune or companion does not & should not be put to vote in terms of profitability or utility or usefulness. The beauty is in the dream itself, not  in the person or the thing dreamt about. Life minus dreams is a life lived worthlessly. It is not necessary that all dreams should get realized. The very fact that one keeps dreaming is a proof of ones liveliness & hope To put it in simple terms the very process of dreaming in unique, special, beautiful and incomparable, incomparable even to the very thing or person dreamt about. The best highs & worst lows in ones life add all variety & spice for a brighter higher high than one had ever imagined. It is impossible to realize the importance of highs if one has never had so called terrible lows. Coming to this very moment in which are conforted at the moment … dwell on that as consciously as possible. Nothing gets erased in life. It is a cumulative process. As we selectively divide to recollect some things out of "n' number of past things we were faced with ….. those things roll open for us from the recycle bin- if at all they were deleted. Nothing in life gets deleted even if you empty your recycle bins as often. It is all present in the cloud, virtually or real life as well. Nothing in life, no decisions in ones life are good or bad… the course of life get shaped as we go along knowingly or unknowingly. What makes us decide a particular way? At the very moment of a decision, at that very spur, our interests, inclinations & likings work & we divide accordingly. It is impossible for the second person to influence the decision of the next person. Decisions are so personal. The level of highs & lows of human adamancy are so strong & innate, that it is humanly impossible to impact. In the heart of the heart, the person who looks like having impacted upon – gets convinced, gets realized to some where some how to align to a particular thing or phenomena or ism. At the surface level ok. We get influenced by people & thoughts around, true. But what gets decided is two personal a thing, at the core. One interesting thing about decisions is…. That it is true & meaningful to the person at that moment only. If you think you agree & disagree simultaneously is absolutely wrong. You agreed one second ago- that was the truth, you disagreed one second later- that was the truth, not both agreeing & disagreeing simultaneously.


I know, I started with my reading of what Indrani's write up & Vinita's thought in Times…….. now hardly I remember what she was talking about. Every one, every writer consciously, unconsciously starts with news stimuli………. internally or externally. I really don't know why a mark…. is necessary to start wring or speaking or gossiping. I am not whether the so called busy successful people even be able to read what I write…… but to certain extent…. I think I am right…..the people like me who happen to stumbled on idle holidays & Sundays will read. Is idling a sin?


Yes, n numbers of writers identify & highlight the darker sides of individuals, Alas! n numbers of writers ignore the finer sides of individuals. Darker & finer sides of personality are to be acknowledged. Can we spot some who never has darker sides, or some one else who never has finer sides? The finest & the darkest sides are present in each & every one. This is the fact. The fact is….. whose finer & darker sides are in the limelight? It is impossible to revert & identify the best & finer sides of people, had there been no one with darker sides. We live in an agreed up social set up- finer sides have acceptance &  the darker side sides have no acceptance.



Key words:


Lbn. Raj, Indrani Rajkhova, Vinita Nangia, Ups, Downs, Darker Sides, Finer Sides, O-Zone, Times Life.

I am thankful to Ms. Susri Priyadarsini Padhi-Junior Librarian for providing relevant support information & for efficient DTP work.


Lbn. Raj

Thank you for response.......Fw: Lorena Roca Camatura Badiola commented on your wall post...

Dear Lorena,

It is nice to find your response. I am working as Chief Librarian at Asian School of Business Management. I professional and non professional put together have about 9 members in the library to assist me. Ours is a B School. For your information I am sending my biodata / CV.
I wish you be one of the contributor to my blog.
Let us keep in touch for professional information exchange.
Best wishes

Chief Librarian, Asian School of Business Management, Bhubaneswar, India
my blog :

Lorena Roca Camatura Badiola
Am focusing on our collection development as well as administration of the daily operations of my office
about an hour ago · · 1 personYou like this.
Devarai LbnRaj
Devarai LbnRaj
ic ... best wishes .... i will let you know by a mail.
Chief Librarian, Asian School of Business Management, Bhubaneswar, India
2 seconds ago · ·

Librarianship is a noble profession.

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Date: Wednesday, 21 July, 2010, 1:30 PM

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"Am focusing on our collection development as well as administration of the daily operations of my office"

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lbn. Raj responds at Random:

15th July 2010

Lbn. Raj responds at Random:

It is quite a known fact that not taking a stand and decision is a stand/decision by itself. since morning I thought today that I did not do anything. The things that I thought were the priority could not be done, accomplished! Then the good news is that when I am thinking that I am not doing anything, yet I get going on things & thoughts that I did not intend to. So, in fact I got involved in thoughts that came just like that & unasked for and I can not resist but to be with them & unknowingly & unconsciously get more intensely involved than when I really wanted to be involved intensionally and consciously.

Any way this holy day of Puri Jagannath’s Rath Yatra got me involved unusually into thoughts & isms which many of us dare to face, dare to get involved, dare to live with.

And I chance upon to reflect, recollect, respond on & start afresh on what Anil K Rajvanshi writes in Speaking Tree of Times of India (13.07.2010) today, on an unusually conceived title “Cloud Computing & Reincarnation” what a creative & thought providing analysis & simile?

Anil has beautifully brought out the meaning of the concept “Knowledge Space”. Modern day knowledge Managers can not afford to miss such out of the box thoughts!

Anil’s ideas on Cloud Computing & Reincarnation can be summarized as follows:

  1. Research on Cloud Computing helps us to understand the concept of Reincarnation.
  2. Most of the information for personal use now days is stored in Cyber space.
  3. Our personal information stored in Cyber space can be recalled by way of a user id & password.
  4. In the similar fashion our intense individual memories of experiences & thoughts can be accessed from Knowledge Space(KS) by way of an “Avatar
  5. What gets transferred from the dying person to something else, some one else is through an id & password.
  6. One could succeed in liberating by Yoga & Sanyam. From the past experiences & sanskaras by modification & erasing/deleting.
  7. Not all memories exist in knowledge space, only deeply emotional ones do.
  8. The practice of giving birth name based on horoscope has deep connections to the understanding & analysis of the phenomena of reincarnation & cloud computing
  9. Ramakrishna came to know about reincarnation of Vivekananda by putting his hand on his chest.
  10. Vivekananda experienced the past memories of a disciple by touching his hand. This process is very much similar to the process of eliciting information from the cyber cloud.
  11. There are reports of some very young children reporting vaguely on their experiences & impressions of past births & avatar’s.
  12. Just like we create at our profile in a social network site we create our profile in knowledge sphere/space.
  13. The more powerful some one’s mind is, the bigger is the signature in the KS.

As you see, I could not resist in summarizing the ideas of Anil, I am indeed proud to be doing so.

All social human & physical sciences invariably derive their roots in logic, maths & philosophy. There is no wonder Anil explains the concept of RE-INCARNATION by comparing with modern IT man’s concept of Cloud Computing. Hats off to this agricultural scientist. This kind of exposition is out of the box, unusual, creative & no less an innovation!! Mr. Anil should continue to write on such not so much talked topics. Best wishes.

Key Words : Lbn. Raj, India Librarian International, Decision, Rath Yatra, Jagannath, Past Life, Puri, Anil K. Rajvansi, Speaking tree, Cloud Computing, Reincarnation, Cyber Space, KS, Yoga, Sanyam, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Social Networking sites,


Cloud Computing : Cloud computing is a general term for anything that

involves delivering hosted services over the

Internet. (Whatis.Com)

Cloud Computing is Internet-based computing, whereby

shared resources, software, and information are provided

to computers and other devices on demand, like the

electricity grid.(Wikipedia)

Reincarnation : Reincarnation is the belief that when one dies one's body

decomposes but something of oneself is reborn in another

body. It is the belief that one has lived before and will live

again in another body after death. (The Skeptic’s


Cyber space : Cyberspace is a domain characterized by the use of

electronics and the electromagnetic spectrum to store,

modify, and exchange data via networked systems and

associated physical infrastructures.(Whatis.Com)

User id : A User ID is the code used by a User to identify himself

when he logs into a system and starts a Login Session

Password : An identification name or password used to allow an

individual user access to a computer system. (MSN.


Knowledge Space : In mathematical psychology, a knowledge space is a

combinatorial structure describing the possible states of

knowledge of a human learner. To form a knowledge space,

one models a domain of knowledge as a set of concepts,

and a feasible state of knowledge as a subset of that set

containing the concepts known or knowable by some

individual (Wikipedia)

Avatar : Avatar is the embodiment of a person or idea. (Tech


Ref: Anil K. Rajvansi/ Cloud Computing & Reincarnation; Speaking Tree-Times of India, July 13, 2010

Books/Publications by Anil K. Rajvansi:

1. Nature of Human Thought, A book on Spirituality, Technology & Sustainable


2. “An Answer to Energy Crisis in India-Solar Energy” Editorial Article published in

Hindustan (Hindi daily), Oct-18, 1974

3. “Wing your way to Self-awareness” editorial article in TOI, Dec-15, 2003

Lbn. Raj is thankful to Ms. Susri Priyadarsini Padhi, Junior Librarian, ASBM, BBSR, for insightful inputs in the preparation & conceptualization of this write up.

Lbn. Raj

Chief Librarian-Asian School of Business Management, BBSR,

For writings of Lbn. Raj. visit:


Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- .- 1816gbgv

In general what is your opinion about the status of librarians and librarianship?

Question to Seija Mentu : In general what is your opinion about the status of librarians and librarianship?

Answer by Seija Mentu :

"I have always valued librarians highly. The same goes for libraries and librarianship. The world would be a dull place without books - I have loved reading since early childhood and books are my lovely dear friends."

For further clarifications mail to :

Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- .- 1816gbgv

Friday, July 16, 2010

Fw: [MLOSC.8554] Report of Refresher course atKarnatak University Dharwad

Librarianship is a noble profession.

--- On Thu, 15/7/10, Chandrakala Pai <> wrote:

From: Chandrakala Pai <>
Subject: [MLOSC.8554] Report of Refresher course atKarnatak University Dharwad
Date: Thursday, 15 July, 2010, 12:30 PM

Dear Friend
The ASC karnatak university Dharwad had arranged a Refresher course in Library and Information science, from 24/6/2010 to 14/07/2010. The main theme was on Improving the reading habits.  In the course eminent speakers have given very nice lectures on the matter of Reading habits, how to improve the reading habits, how to improve the skills reading, the impact of internet on reading habits. etc.,  The inaguartion function on 24th june cas conducted by Dr. Muttaiah Kognurmath the Chief librarian TISS in the absence of Dr. Meena chandawarkar, the Director.
There was Important discussion on KOHA, DSPACe by Dr. Krishnamurthy and Dr. Ramesh. Dr. Harinarayan of Mysore university was excellent in giving the example of how to write the bibliography.  Speakers like, Dr.  Bardol from Mangalore university, Dr. Kemparaj and Dr. Lalith aswath from Bangalore university delivered on this occassion.  Mainly the Speaker Dr. Karisiddapp has shared a lot information and his guidence is marvellous.  Dr. Halyal Pscyhology professor discussed on how to under stand on the user request etc. 
Mrs. Pai

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