![]() ![]() Every one wants to be good! I have never come across any one who basically un conditionally wants to be a bad doer. No one wants to be known as a bad person. No one wants to do wrong and bad things. Then why do we get into wrong things…….. why do we get to do bad things? Even in case of small medium and hard core criminals basically never intend ………………….. intended to be be bad and bad doer. Every one know that they need to be noticed………………… they need to be acknowledge for their being important …………………. their being correct, their being righteous. May when some one does some un acceptable thing ……………………. Wrong thing …………………. Bad thing – they still are not convinced that they are wrong persons………………… they justify being right in their own right………………….. in their own logic. May be there is lot of competition to be good in this world. It is so difficult be known as a good person …………….. and be known for that. And many a time we get disgusted to many many good people around…………………. We just cant stand so many good people around ………………. Who are bent upon under mining my goodness and being right? There is lot of competition in this world to be good person …………………. More better person than others…………………. Can I call it as a healthy competition? -LbnRaj ; lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; Librarianship is a noble profession http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com/1816gbgv |
Friday, December 24, 2010
Every one wants to be good! Any thing wrong with this?
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Give and take or give and give?
Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- lotus5673@yahoo.co.in .- 1816gbgv
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
What is this Big Bird Thinking? ....
Can Librarians be big bird thinkers? "Big bird thinkers are those who are so mature that nothing can distract them from their objectives, who give well-considered responses when in adverse situations, rather than simply indulging in an emotional backlash. …………….. Spirituality is good for the all-round development of the individual's personality, for it makes you free of tension and friendly towards all. Spirituality is the way to all kind of success. …………………… positive thinking makes you a 'bid bird thinker' and 'big bird thinking' imbues the human character with spirituality. Although this is an inner quality, it is this inner quality that has the power to better all your external affairs." - Maulana Wahiduddin Khan ; www.cpsglobal.org (Source : The Speaking Tree, Times of India, December 22, 2010). Yes, I dont know what is my status with regard to Big Bird Thinking ..... I do strongly feel and believe that I do have the habit of spontaneous emotional back lashes .... which is not in tune with this philosophy. I know those who fall in this category of thinking … are much above quick back lashes …. They go in for considered and well-thought out responses. But what about being natural and spontaneous … being simple and responsive ….. just in tune with the natural laws and nature. I think I need to think further on this. I think librarians on line these days are more into responsive …. Quick reactive mode than considered responses on wide range of their interests and avocations? Am I right? What about modern bloggers …. Can we find many bloggers who fall into the category of 'big bird thinkers' ? Librarianship is a noble profession http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com/1816gbgv |
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
What is this loving detachment?
Loving detachment "Truly wise is he who is un stirred by praise or blame , by love or hatred. He is not moved by the opposites of life. Verily does he delight in the blissful self." - Srimad Bhagavatam (Source : Sacred Space, Times of India, December 21, 2010). This line of thinking has always made me think a lot … …. Over and over again. In fact my friends, family and close associates call me as insensitive and non responsive to day today ups and downs in life. May be true … ………………….. it is rare that I cry … ………………….. yeas ……………… people say I have lot of patience ……………………………may be some others may call me as shameless ……………………thick skinned. In the heart of heart I know I am not insensitive ………………I do respond I do feel I do feel bad. The question that haunts is is it necessary that I must be so vocal about my sadness or happiness? But sincerely appreciate those who are vocal about their happiness or sorrows. I think people who express everything openly ……………frankly get lightened…………………….get relaxed then the ones who do not break down on any thing. May be ………………..i should know more about not being moved by opposites of life. Is it that people don't get moved by opposites or that they really gone above such levels. At times I have noticed some individuals like my father ….. some times a teacher …..not really responding ………………………………………..reacting much to the tunes of either happy moments or when some mishap happens. Could be when one puts on experience …………………….sees lots of ups and downs of life ……………….this could be the time ………………when one takes every thing easily …………………….. or they have moral balance to face ………………………realize the higher values of life…………………higher levels of ultimate realities of life. Yes in this regard I need to learn a lot understand a lot with regard to being in blissful state…………………….and I will find time to do that sooner or later. LbnRaj lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com ; Librarianship is a noble profession http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com/ 1816gbgv |
Monday, December 20, 2010
May be… just like I have morning tea … I may have to read such simple but powerful thoughts every day … every morning ..
Good morning, Universal Love "Try your best to treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself, and you will find that this is the shortest way to benevolence". – Mencius (Source : Sacred Space, Times of India, December 20, 2010). Yes , many a time I feel upset about the way some of my colleagues, friends and neighbours neglect me. They don't wish me when they see me for the first time on a day. I think I care every one … but why people around don't respond don't respond kindly. Yes may be the way want every one to treat me … I may not have done. I may have been busy in my own way … and that I did not treat some one with due attention… due care … due love … yes I have to learn to be kind to people around .. If I ever want others to be kind and loving towards me. What about those who had been very kind enough to be … so much caring towards me … and I had no time to respond to them in the same intensity with which they treated me all the times….. If Asha did not say good morning to me …. Why I did not say? Why should I expect only the others to start … why not with me. I know this as to why it happens this way …. And why I keep forgetting this every time … and I have to read inspiring words of great people like Mencius again and again. May be… just like I have morning tea … I may have to read such simple but powerful thoughts every day … every morning .. may be every night before going to bed. Why should I think that I have arrived at some perfections …. Why do I forget to learn on a regular basis day in and out! LbnRaj lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com/ 1816gbgv |
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Life is indeed more mysterious than we have ever imagined.
Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- lotus5673@yahoo.co.in .- 1816gbgv
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Why life is so complicated and beyond comprehension ....?
Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- lotus5673@yahoo.co.in .- 1816gbgv
Tsering Topgyal Tsamdha - my class fellow
Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- lotus5673@yahoo.co.in .- 1816gbgv
Friday, December 17, 2010
happy returns of the day .... happy birthday to you Suchitra M ..... best wishes ..... be smiling
happy returns of the day .... happy birthday to you Suchitra M ..... best wishes ..... be smiling Librarianship is a noble profession http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com/ 1816gbgv |
yesterday and today ........ Rumi
Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- lotus5673@yahoo.co.in .- 1816gbgv
yesterday is gone ..... some new seeds are growing .... Rumi
Time : "It is good to leave each day behind,/ like flowing water, free of sadness../Yesterday is gone and its tale told./Today new seeds are growing." – Jalaluddin Rumi (Source : Sacred Space : Times of India December 17, 2010). Librarianship is a noble profession http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com/ 1816gbgv |
Thursday, December 16, 2010
“An inch of time is an inch of gold,... Chinese proverb
Time and Space "An inch of time is an inch of gold, but you can't buy an inch of time with an inch of gold" – Chinese proverb.(Sacred Space – Times of India, December 16, 2010). Librarianship is a noble profession http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com/ 1816gbgv |
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Fw: [india librarian international......ili] New comment on SELF IS SAKHSI.
Librarianship is a noble profession http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com/ 1816gbgv --- On Wed, 15/12/10, Anirudh Kumar Satsangi <noreply-comment@blogger.com> wrote:
Self is pure Consciousness ......
Anandmurti Gurumaa says, "The Self is pure consciousness. …….. Self is Sakshi, Pure witness……. Change is bound to happen as it is the very nature of the mind and this whole world and the body. Then only can you really enjoy other wise you will suffer as no scenario is ever going to remain unchanged. ….. Let it happen whatever has to happen, Therefore why worry." (Source : The Speaking Tree, Times of India, December 15, 2010). Librarianship is a noble profession http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com/ 1816gbgv |
Anandmurti Gurumaa says, "The Self is pure consciousness. …….. Self is Sakshi, Pure witness……. Change is bound to happen as it is the very nature of the mind and this whole world and the body. Then only can you really enjoy other wise you will suffer as no scenario is ever going to remain unchanged. ….. Let it happen whatever has to happen, Therefore why worry." (Source : The Speaking Tree, Times of India, December 15, 2010). Librarianship is a noble profession http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com/1816gbgv |
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Strength and The ways of the world
Strength and The ways of the world
Strength : "Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength" -Arnold Schwarzenegger (Source : Sacred Space, Times of India, December 14, 2010 ; Tuesday). The Ways of the World : "Unfairness is a part and parcel of life. Such is the way of life. Can we teach ourselves not to be victims of unfairness and face it with the understanding that life's mysteries cannot be fully understood?". (Source : The Speaking tree, Times of India, December 14, 2010 ; Tuesday).
"Yes, what is the yardstick to assess and measure our strength …. The best yard stick is the way we face the hardships …. We will realize our strength this way better than by any other way I think.. We many a times realize that life is unfair towards us many a times…. What if this is the way life is? Any attempt to unravel the mysteries this unfairness is the unravel the mystery of life itself. The real answer I hope could fairly be answered by gyani's like Basava, Akkamahadevi, Osho, Jiddu, Sukhbodhananda and Shri Shri". LbnRaj lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com Librarianship is a noble profession http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com/ 1816gbgv |
Monday, December 13, 2010
Life is for living / Swami Brahmdev, aurovalley@gmail.com
Life is for living / Swami Brahmdev, aurovalley@gmail.com
If you want to live a better life or not, if you want to know more about yourself, or not; if you want to live this life knowing yourself or without knowing yourself. This is w3hat we must learn. Don't live a life with ignorance. ; live with awareness, with knowledge. Then you can grow, then you can progress and fulfill the purpose of life. (Source : The Speaking Tree, Times of India, December 13, 2010) Librarianship is a noble profession http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com/ 1816gbgv |
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Knowledge Management and Librarians
Researchers have discovered that knowledge is what the organization knows, how it uses what it knows, and how fast it can know something new, are the three major thing that offers an organization a competitive edge.
When are we going to take up KM seriously? Can we have a list of Librarians who are actively participating in the KM activities in their organisations?
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Gratitude “A deep gratitude must be shown towards whole just for the opportunity that you are , that you can meditate, that you can be silent, that you can laugh” – Osho
Gratitude "A deep gratitude must be shown towards whole just for the opportunity that you are , that you can meditate, that you can be silent, that you can laugh" – Osho Yes. Golden words of Osho. What we are what we have are no less …. All of this is from nothing …. And we graduate into nothing… and nothing is everything. We forget many a times to express / show gratitude… to God, people around … our parents … the people who picked up when we wanted some one to lift us up. The moment we are in for showing gratitude… all our feelings and thoughts that we are left alone … no body bothers …. Will wash away. We feel light when we are in the plane of gratitude. Let us pay make it a habit to pay gratitude to any thing and every thing that matters to us that is around. Leave every thing on the almighty … every thing will be alright … do and think what you are upto. Rest will be taken care by the unknown and nothing. We must graduate to nothingness blissfully… happily. Hope all knowledge managers and librarians do say yes to me. LbnRaj ; lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com Librarianship is a noble profession http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com/1816gbgv |
Friday, December 10, 2010
Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- lotus5673@yahoo.co.in .- 1816gbgv