Sunday, July 31, 2011
Urgent response !!! From: Mr Kelvin Sanduru
Saturday, July 30, 2011
and PHONE NUMBER to our email address: bmw_prizeclaims@live.co.uk For Verification,
Contact Barr. Steve Moore On Phone: +447017666273.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Ultimate CallSMS Encryptor - Stop eavesdropping of your calls and SMS messages - Ideale Lösung einer absolut diskreten Kommunikation
Dear Madam, Dear Sir
Are you worried about unauthorized eavesdropping/monitoring of your phone calls and SMS messages from your mobile phone, which contains your very sensitive and secret information?
It's very easy for anyone to perform such kind of spying on your communication made by your mobile phone, if you don't have your mobile phone equipped by our unique software
Ultimate CallSMS Encryptor
This software which comply the strictest standards of CIA and NSA for encrypted communication will provide you absolute protection of your communication against all types of eavesdropping/monitoring devices.
This is a perfect communication solution for closed groups like corporate officers, top management, key employees, business partners, family members, etc.
Your communication will be perfectly protected against your competitors, too.
Even one phone call or SMS message can contain information worth of many millions $.
- Please write to wexxmart@gmx.com for more information
- Distributed by: WEXXMART Inc., DENVER, CO 80202, U.S.A
- Copyright © 2011 WEXXMART Inc. All rights reserved
Sehr geehrte Frau, sehr geehrter Herr,
befürchten Sie das Abhören Ihrer mit Ihrem Handy abgewickelten Gespräche, die oft empfindliche und vertrauliche Informationen enthalten, sowie das Überwachen Ihrer SMS-Botschaften?
Heutzutage ist dies sehr leicht erzielbar, sofern Sie ihr Mobiltelefon nicht mit der von uns gelieferten einzigartigen Software
Ultimate CallSMS Encryptor
ausgestattet haben.
Diese Software, die hundertprozentig die CIA und NSA Standards erfüllt, gewährleistet einen vollends einwandfreien Schutz Ihrer sämtlichen Kommunikation im Mobiltelefon vor allen Typen der Abhöreinrichtungen.
Ideale Lösung einer absolut diskreten Kommunikation der Firmenleitung mit den Geschäftspartnern usw.
Perfekter Schutz Ihrer Kommunikation vor dem möglichen Abhören von Seiten Ihrer Konkurrenz.
Auch nur ein einziges Gespräch oder eine einzige SMS-Botschaft kann Informationen im Werte von Millionen enthalten.
Bitte fordern Sie bei wexxmart@gmx.com mehr Informationen an.
Distributor: WEXXMART Inc., Denver, CIO 80202, USA
Copyright 0 2011 Wexxmarkt Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
no?.Occupation?.Sex?.Age?.State?.Country?.To Dr. Owen Simpson via email: vmjw@msn.com and Call Phone: (+44)-701-760-2403.?
I NEED YOUR HELP WITH TRUST, FROM: MR OUEDRAOGO MAXIME, Dear Friend Please i want you to read this letter very carefully and i must apologize for barging this message into your mail box without any formal introduction due to the urgency and confidential of this issue and i know that this message will come to you as a surprise, Pls this is not a joke and i will not like you to joke with it. I am Mr Ouedraogo Maxime A Manager in Bank of Africa (BOA) Ouagadougou , Burkina Faso. I Hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that i am about to establish with you for the mutual benefit of me and you. I have the opportunity of transferring the left over funds ($22.5 million Dollars) belong to our deceased customer who died along with his entire family in a plane crash. View the website for more information about the deceased.( http://www.sptimes.com/2003/07/21/Worldandnation/12_Americans_die_in_K.shtml ) I want our bank to release this funds to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer while i come over to your country to share this fund with you as soon as you confirm this fund into your account and ask me to come over. I don't want the money to go into our Bank treasure as an abandoned fund. So this is the reason why i contacted you so that our bank will release this money to you as the next of kin to the deceased customer. Please I would like you to keep this proposal as a top secret and delete it if you are not interesting. Contact me for more details. (1) Your Full name;................................. (2) Your Age............................ (3) Your Sex............................. (4) Your Private phone number.......... (5) Your Country.................. (6) Your Occupation............................... Hence; I am inviting you for a business deal where this money can be shared between us in the ratio of 40% for you and 60% for me , if you agree to my business proposal. Further details of the transfer will be forwarded to you as soon as I receive your return mail immediately as soon as you receive this letter. Please indicate your willingness by sending the below information for more clarification and easy communication. Am looking forward hearing from you immediately, Thanks with my best regards From Mr Ouedraogo Maxime |
Thursday, July 21, 2011
STOP EAVESDROPPING of your calls and SMS messages from your mobile phone Ultimate CallSMS Encryptor will do this job for you
Dear Madam, Dear Sir
Are you worried about unauthorized eavesdropping/monitoring of your phone calls and SMS messages from your mobile phone, which contains your very sensitive and secret information?
It's very easy for anyone to perform such kind of spying on your communication made by your mobile phone, if you don't have your mobile phone equipped by our unique software
Ultimate CallSMS Encryptor
This software which comply the strictest standards of CIA and NSA for encrypted communication will provide you absolute protection of your communication against all types of eavesdropping/monitoring devices.
This is a perfect communication solution for closed groups like corporate officers, top management, key employees, business partners, family members, etc.
Your communication will be perfectly protected against your competitors, too.
Even one phone call or SMS message can contain information worth of many millions $.
- Please write to wexxmart@gmx.com for more information
- Distributed by: WEXXMART Inc., DENVER, CO 80202, U.S.A
- Copyright © 2011 WEXXMART Inc. All rights reserved.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
STOP EAVESDROPPING of your calls and SMS messages from your mobile phone Ultimate CallSMS Encryptor will do this job for you
Dear Madam, Dear Sir
Are you worried about unauthorized eavesdropping/monitoring of your phone calls and SMS messages from your mobile phone, which contains your very sensitive and secret information?
It's very easy for anyone to perform such kind of spying on your communication made by your mobile phone, if you don't have your mobile phone equipped by our unique software
Ultimate CallSMS Encryptor
This software which comply the strictest standards of CIA and NSA for encrypted communication will provide you absolute protection of your communication against all types of eavesdropping/monitoring devices.
This is a perfect communication solution for closed groups like corporate officers, top management, key employees, business partners, family members, etc.
Your communication will be perfectly protected against your competitors, too.
Even one phone call or SMS message can contain information worth of many millions $.
- Please write to wexxmart@gmx.com for more information
- Distributed by: WEXXMART Inc., DENVER, CO 80202, U.S.A
- Copyright © 2011 WEXXMART Inc. All rights reserved.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
flower, concentration and success !!!!!!
Librarianship is a noble profession http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com/ 1816gbgv |
Friday, July 15, 2011
without you applying for any draws. Send your Name?.Address?.Mobile
no?.Occupation?.Sex?.Age?.State?.Country?.To Dr. Owen Simpson via
email: vmjw@msn.com and Call Phone: (+44)-701-760-2403.?
Free broadband from Gaelic Telecom! http://www.gaelictelecom.ie/
To file out your claims, Please acknowledge the receipt of this mail with your details below:
1. Full Name:
2. Contact Address:
3. Telephone Number:
4. Sex/Age:
5. Occupation:
Thursday, July 14, 2011
“We love mainly for the satisfaction and comfort it gives us. We love because we want to love. To realise this truth is to realise the importance of the people around you. They give you some satisfaction; you need to love them. So one can draw comfort from the fact that even the attachment for the other is rooted in the beauty of one’s own soul…..and in that beauty every soul is one” – Sudhamahi Reghunathan (Love for Love’s Sake.-The Speaking Tree, Times of India, July 13, 2011).
"We love mainly for the satisfaction and comfort it gives us. We love because we want to love. To realise this truth is to realise the importance of the people around you. They give you some satisfaction; you need to love them. So one can draw comfort from the fact that even the attachment for the other is rooted in the beauty of one's own soul…..and in that beauty every soul is one" – Sudhamahi Reghunathan (Love for Love's Sake.-The Speaking Tree, Times of India, July 13, 2011). Librarianship is a noble profession http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com/ 1816gbgv |
Monday, July 11, 2011
The Making of Indian Giants 2011
Trouble viewing this message? Try the online version. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dear Colleague, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Full Name:
Friday, July 8, 2011
47 Hamdan Street
Po Box 47136
Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates
Honkong Address:
25-27 Nathan Road
Tsimshatsui, Kowloon
Hong Kong
We are into Manufacturing of Fabrics, Textiles and Furniture Wares with numerous customers home and abroad. We produce various clothing materials, batiks, assorted fabrics and traditional costume.
We need a honest representative from your country who will be in charge of all our payments from our clients/customers, because most of our customers pay us through Certified checks which are not negotiable here in China. This brought to our quest to employ a credible and trustworthy person as our representative to handle our payments. We have lots of payments made from our clients sitting in our accounting department in china. In order to maintain our long lasted relationship with our customers we have employed some workers in the past but they are not enough since we are growing rapidly. This would not affect your present job, but will serve as another stream of income to your good self.
As our Representative in your country, your tasks are;
1. Receive payment from Customers
2. Cash it at any cashing point or at your banks and you will deduct 10% which will be your percentage/pay on each Payment processed.
3. Forward the balance after deduction of (percentage/pay) to any of our offices you will be contacted to send payment to. (Payment is to be forwarded by Western Union Money Transfer/Money Gram).
Note: As a representative of our company; you will be entitled to 10% of any amount you receive from customers on behalf of the company as payments for outstanding debts or goods that they want to buy.
This work takes only 3-7 hours per week. You'll have a lot of free time doing another work, but this opportunity is very challenging and you should understand it. We are looking for a worker who is satisfied with our requirements and will be an earnest assistant. We are glad to offer this job position to you. We request you to send your information listed below ASAP, so we can forward it to our clients.
Required Information:
Mr. Ruben Perez
Email: ru308_pem@yahoo.co.uk
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Beauty For Ashes
I have decided to donate my $18.7M to you for good works.send a note back
to me with this ref.SvaSo ( saracarney@mail.kz )so i know you got
this.God bless you abundantly,Sara Carney.
This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailGuard, and is
believed to be clean.
Monday, July 4, 2011
My name is Mr. Steve Morgan; I am a US citizen, 51 Years Old. My residential address is as follows. 5424 Pent ridge Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19143-4126, United States, I am one of those people that took part in receiving Inheritance funds and Lottery funds from African banks and European banks even from many lottery organizers few years ago and they refused to pay me, I had paid different fees while in the USA trying to get my funds from those banks and lottery organizers but all to no avail. So, I decided to travel to WASHINGTON D.C USA with all my compensation documents, and I was directed by the F.B.I Director to contact a man called Mr. Stephen Moore, A British citizen and a member of the UNITED NATIONS & IMF COMPENSATION AWARD COMMITTEE currently staying in Mumbai City - India. I contacted him and he explained everything to me. Mr. Stephen Moore personally directed me on how to claim my Inheritance and Lottery payment. Right now I am the happiest man on earth because I have now finally receive
Moreover, Mr. Stephen Moore, showed me the full information of those people that are yet to receive their payments and I saw your name as one of the beneficiaries, and your email address that is why I decided to email you to stop dealing with those people because they are not with your funds but they are only making money out of you. I will personally advise you to contact Mr. Stephen Moore in India immediately. You have to contact him directly on this information below: Contact Person: Mr. Stephen Moore.
Address: Diplomatic Lodge, Nariman Point Mumbai India. Email: moore_mr.stephen@yahoo.com Telephone: +918879252361. Contact him now and send him (1) Your full names, (2) Your contact Address, (3) Your mobile phone numbers and (3) Any of your photo ID bearing your picture etc, you really have to stop dealing with those people that are contacting you and telling you that your fund is with them because it is not in any way with them, they are only taking advantage of you and they will dry you up until you have nothing left with you. Once again stop contacting those people, I will advise you to contact Mr.Stephen Moore in Mumbai City - India so that he will help you to deliver original copy of your international ATM CARD instead of dealing with those liars that will be turning you around asking for different kind of money for fees to complete your transaction. Thank You and Be Blessed.
Mr. Steve Morgan.
5424 Pent ridge Street Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, 19143-4126 United States of America.
Your e-mail id has won you the sum of £750,000.00 GBP cash in ongoing BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION ONLINE promo 2011.
Treat yourself at a restaurant, spa, resort and much more with Rediff Deal ho jaye!
fm,mcdonalds acknowledgment
The McDonald's Incorporation
PO Box 1010,Liverpool
L70 1NL,United Kingdom
EMAIL: McDonalduk2011@live.com
We are happy to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual final draws held on the (15th JUNE 2011) by McDonald,s Company Worldwide Promotion, your E-mail was among the 12 Lucky winners who won 500,000.00 GBP each on THE MCDONALD,S COMPANY PROMOTION.
However the results were released on the 1ST JULY 2011 and your E-mail was attached to ticket number (YM/09788) and ballot number (BT:24/00319/IPD) The online draws was conducted by a random selection of E-mail addresses from an exclusive list of 29,031 E-mail addresses of individuals and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automate d random computer search from the internet.
However, no tickets were sold but all E-mail addresses were assigned to different ticket numbers for representation and privacy.
The selection process was carried out through random selection in our computerized E-mail selection machine (TOPAZ) from a database of over 12 E-ma il addresses drawn from all the continents of the world.
This Promo is approved by the British Gaming Board and also Licensed by the International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR).This Promo is the 4rd of its kind and we intend to sensitize the public.
In other to claim your 500,000.00 GBP prize winning, However, you will have to fill the form below and send it to the Promotion manager of THE MCDONALD,S LOTTERY for verification .
Please you are advice to complete the form and send it immediately to our Promotion manager Via E-mail for prompt collection of your fund from the designated.
1, Names in full:....... .......................
2, Country of Residence:.................
3, Nationality:.....................................
4, Residential Address:....................
5, Date of Birth/Age:........................
6, Marital Status/Sex:.......................
7, Telephone /Fax No:........................
8, Mobile No:....................... ................
9, Occupation:.....................................
10,Company name:.............................
You are to keep all your winning information away from the general public especially your ticket number and ballot number. (This is important as a case of double claims will not be entertained).
>Accept our hearty congratulations once again!!
Yours faithfully,
Mrs. Lisa Wise
Online coordinator
(Sweepstakes International Program)
The McDonald's Incorporation
PO Box 1010,Liverpool
L70 1NL,United Kingdom
Treat yourself at a restaurant, spa, resort and much more with Rediff Deal ho jaye!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Full Name:
congratulation your E-mail Address Has won You 200.000.GBP(C-C-C-2011.UK)UK.
Coca-Cola Draw Center, London, SE110 7NA - United Kingdom. Tel: +44-7031891987 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Congratulation Dear Winner, REFERENCE NO: JULY/011/YY This is to inform you that you have won a prize of Two Hundred Thousand Great Britain Pounds(200,000.00 GB Pounds) for the 2011 International E-mail Draw which is Organized by Coca-Cola Company (C-C-C-2011.UK). (CCC )collects all the email addresses of the people that are active online, among the millions that subscribed to Yahoo!, Aol, Walla,rediffmail, Gmail, Russian Mail and Hotmail and few from other e-mail providers. Six people are selected yearly to benefit the prize. PAYMENT OF PRIZE AND CLAIM Winners shall be paid in accordance with his/her Settlement Center. Coca-Cola Award must be claimed not later than 15 days from date of Draw Notification. Any Prize not claimed within this period will be forfeited. Stated below is your identification number: REFERENCE NUMBER: C-C-C-2011.UK This numbers fall within the England Location file, you are requested to contact our fiduciary agent in London [Dr. Smith Ahmed] with the details below and send your winning Identification number to him via E-Mail: ccdrawuk@hotmail.co.uk He shall immediately commence the process that will facilitate the release of your fund to you. Fill the below form and send to your agent 1. Full name.......................... 2. Address ............... 3. State 4. Country of origin....................... 5. Occupation........................... 6. Age........................... 7. Mobile Number....................... 8. Email Address.......................... 9. Sex...................................... 10.Your Winning Reference Number........................ Payment Options-: (a) Certified International Cheque (b) Cash Payment Write your selected option here ................................................... Reply to this email: ccdrawuk@hotmail.co.uk He shall immediately commence the process that will facilitate the release of your fund to you. Congratulations!! once again. Yours in service, Dr. (Mrs.) Lynda umah [Publicity Secretary] Coca-Cola Company (CCC) WE ARE TRULY THE COCA-COLA GIANT WORLDWIDE. |
Shell Petroleum Development Company of England
Shell Center, London, SE1 7NA - United Kingdom TEL: +447010033401
FAXMAIL +447017036983
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Treat yourself at a restaurant, spa, resort and much more with Rediff Deal ho jaye!