Wednesday, December 23, 2009
TISS IFLA Workshop December 2009: Brief Report
Posted by: "Satish Kanamadi" skanamadi
Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:54 am (PST)
Dear Professional Colleagues,Greetings!
Please find below the brief note about the recently concluded TISSIFLA International workshop on "Capacity Building in the KnowledgeEnvironment: Workshop to Train Library and Information Professionalsin Information Literacy in India" (18- 19 Dec 2009), organized at TataInstitute of Social Science, Mumbai, India.Over 152 librarians, documentation officers, Information Scientistsand teachers from different parts of India and other SAARC countrieslike Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka participated in this two dayworkshop. This workshop was supported by by International Federationof Library Associations (IFLA), Netherlands and co-sponsored by BombayScience Librarians Association (BOSLA).The chief Guest for the inaugural function was Prof.V.G.Talwar, ViceChancellor, University of Mysore, Mysore.(Former Librarian at BHEL,Bangalore, Mangalore University and Professor, DLISc,
MysoreUniversity).FELICITATION TO PROF. V G TALAWARFollowing library associations felicitated Prof.V.G.Talawar on thisoccasion.BOSLA was represented by Dr.Muttayya Koganuramath, Chairperson, BOSLAIATLIS represented by Prof.Jagtar Singh, President, IATLISILA represented by Dr.D.V.Singh, President, ILAIFLA represented by Dr.Pradeepa Wijetunge, Librarian, University ofColombo, Sri Lanka.Another successful LIS professional was also felicitated at thisevent. Dr.B.S.Kademani, Scientist F, Scientific Information ResourcesDivision, BARC, Anushakti Nagar, MUMBAI was felicitated for beingaccorded with SIS Fellowship 2009. Prof.V.G.Talawar, Chief Guest ,Presented a Shawl and Flower Bouquet to Dr.Kademani.WORKSHOP SESSIONS ( 18 -19 DEC 2009)DAY ONE : FRIDAY 18 DEC 2009Design, Development and Delivery of Information Literacy Programmes: An LSEExperienceMs.Rowena Macrae-Gibson, Liaison Librarian, London School of EconomicsLibrary, UKInformation Literacy Skills and Knowledge SocietyDr.Pradeepa Wijetunge, Librarian, University of Colombo, SriLankaPromoting Information Literacy in Academic and Research LibrariesBy Prof.Jagtar Singh,Professor, Dept of Library and Information Science,Punjabi University, PatialaDAY TWO : FRIDAY 18 DEC 2009Role of Library Associations in Promoting Information LiteracyBy Prof.Diljit Singh, Associate Professor, University of Malaya, KualaLumpur, MalaysiaInformation Literacy for Distance Learners: A Case Study of IGNOUDr.Sudhir Arora, University Librarian, Indira Gandhi National OpenUniversity (IGNOU), New DelhiPANEL DISCUSSION:What should be India’s National Policy towards Information Literacy?Prof.C.R.Karisiddap pa(Moderater)Ms.Rowena Macrae-GibsonProf.Diljit SinghProf.B.Ramesh BabuProf.B.D.KumbarThe workshop concluded with an Vote of thanks. Dr.Satish Kanamadi, TISScompered for this two day event. We acknowledge the support received by allthe participants, resource persons and email discussion forums like MLOSC,NMLIS, LIS FORUM , IATLIS, etc.Thanks and regards,Dr.Muttayya KoganuramathUniversity Librarian,Tata Institute of Social Sciences (Deemed University)Sion-Trombay Road, DeonarMUMBAI-400 088-- Thanks and Regards,Satish Kanamadi. Ph D.Assistant Librarian (Sr)Tata Institute of Social Sciences (Deemed University)Sion-Trombay Road,Deonar, MUMBAI - 400 088Tel: 91-22-25525283Fax: 91-22-25525050Email: satish@tiss. edu ; kanamadi@gmail. com
Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- .- 1816gbgv
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- .- 1816gbgv
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thought for today ... and this moment
Imagination is more important knowledge. Who is an intellectural? He is someone educated beyond his intelligence.
1816gbgv |
The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Re: Fw: SIS Fellowship -2009 Award Conferred on Dr. B. S. Kademani !
Thank you Dr. Bandi for the valuable information passed on to me.
Rajashekhar Devarai Chief Librarian - ASBM 1816gbgv --- On Thu, 10/12/09, anand bandi <> wrote:
The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.