Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Your files were sent successfully to lotus56731.indialibrarianintl@blogger.com

These files will be deleted on 2019-11-18
sent you some files
2 item, 9.02 MB in total ・Two days to save your transfer! 

Hmm, it looks like your files haven't been downloaded yet, and this transfer will be deleted on 10 January, 2020.
Your files are ready for download; Based on your telephone conversation with my colleague concerning our new order pls find attched documents for Technical datas

Get your files
Download link
wetransfer.com/downloads/f26b43f357a1c629f36ff1a7565f62ee20191111085359/22ca3a0fd4f455602057c65acf666d ee20191111085500/7bc1e2
2 item

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